Seeking Expert Instructional Designers and Technologists*

As the nation’s most comprehensive source of occupational data, O*NET is a free resource for millions of job seekers, employers, veterans, educators, and students. ( Participating in this work will help ensure that the characteristics, attributes and complexities of your profession are described accurately in the O*NET Database for the American public for career exploration and job analysis.

If you:

  • have at least 5 years of experience with the occupation (includes those who are now supervising, teaching, or training);
  • are currently active in the occupation (practicing, supervising, teaching or training);
  • are based in the U.S, and
  • are interested in filling out 5 questionnaires (90 minutes time total)…

Please complete this form.

Process and Participation Incentive:
A random sample of experts responding to this request will be invited to complete a set of questionnaires (paper or online versions available). $40.00 in cash and a certificate of appreciation from the U.S. Department of Labor will be included with the questionnaires.

We encourage you to consider helping to keep information about your profession accurate and current for the benefit of our colleagues and the nation. Thank you very much for your support of OLC and the DOL’s O*NET program.

*Develop instructional materials and products and assist in the technology-based redesign of courses. Assist faculty in learning about, becoming proficient in, and applying instructional technology.