Evaluating the Quality of Online Educational Programs: The Baker Online Case Study

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OLC Quality Scorecard Case Study - Baker Online

Finding the right tool to measure the quality of your online program can be a daunting task. When Baker College started looking for tools to evaluate its online learning program, it turned to the quality experts at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Using the Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Learning Programs, Baker was able to identify strengths of their program and opportunities for improvement through its initial self-assessment.

However, Baker College didn’t stop there. After completing its internal review, Baker sought a peer review through OLC. Through this process, three experts reviewed the justification and evidence provided for each of the 75 quality indicators measured by the scorecard. Following the initial review, feedback was provided and the team at Baker College got to work identifying the additional evidence that could be provided to better reflect how the institution met the criteria. This hard work paid off and in the final review, Baker was awarded an OLC endorsement with an exemplary status. With the OLC endorsement, an institution is able to validate the quality of its program to internal and external stakeholders.

To find out more about how Baker College implemented the Quality Scorecard and went through the peer review process, read the Baker College Case Study.

Institutions seeking to implement the Quality Scorecard and complete a peer review which could lead to an OLC endorsement, can contact OLC via the Baker College Case Study page for more information.

Download the case study to learn how Baker Online used the OLC Quality Scorecard to measure quality in a constantly changing tech-driven environment.

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