Leveraging Diverse Perspectives and Practices in Blended Learning Leadership
Join instructors, designers, and leaders in the field to get a pulse on and contribute to the research on blended learning. You are invited to participate in a unique and prestigious international event focused on blended learning around the world. This program offers a truly blended engaging and collaborative experience for learning, discussion, work, and networking. The program will consist of synchronous and asynchronous activities, available with onsite and virtual participation options. One outcome of participating in this symposium will be co-authorship on a report on blended learning research and publication opportunities.
The symposium will highlight diverse perspectives in blended learning around the following themes:
- Leadership and Administration of Programs
- Blended Learning Research
- Evidence-Informed Blended Course Design
- Quality and Continuous Improvement
- Equity and Access to Education
Highlights of the program include:
- An interactive workshop on Wednesday afternoon in which participants work toward co-creating a competency framework for blended teaching in higher education.
- A series of featured speaker lightning talks will be followed by discussion-based breakout sessions with opportunities to hear in more depth directly from the featured speakers.
- The Faith-Based Summit is an optional add-on to your symposium experience
- Faith-based institutions share several common hurdles as we expand online and blended course offerings. Join us as we learn from each other in regard to topics like: challenges for faith-based online institutions, DEI in the faith-based classroom, student engagement, RSI, and adapting to student demographics. The half-day Wednesday and Friday summit provides administrators, professors, and staff a great time to build support networks across our faith-based institutions.