Looking to deep-dive into the hottest topics in online learning? Join us on November 18, 2024  for our pre-conference Accelerate 2024 Master Classes. 

Master class registrations are at an additional fee, and are available only to attendees with an Accelerate 2024 Conference Pass registration. Master classes can be selected with an individual class registration, or through our cost-saving Combo Package (one AM & one PM class).  Discounted rates are available for OLC members for both individual and combo package registration options. Class selections are made at the time of registration.

All master classes are listed in U.S. Eastern Time Zone and are presented onsite at the Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando, FL.

Master Class AM sessions 

Magic Pixie Dust: Leveraging Generative AI to Craft Dynamic Learning

Read the latest OLC Insights from this session’s presenters on the practical learning practices you’ll walk away with.

  • Date: Monday, November 18, 2024
  • Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Lead Presenter: Tawnya Means, Assistant Dean, Education Innovation & CLO, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign
  • Co-Presenters: Adam King, Sr Assoc Director of T&L Technology, University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign

Embark on a magical journey using AI-driven technologies to transform teaching and learning into an enchanting experience. In this interactive master class, you’ll learn to sprinkle AI fairy dust on your content and learning activities, crafting dynamic, tailor-made, and captivating educational materials that bring the magic of imagination into learning.

Accelerating Research Innovation: Charting Your Future with AI

Read the latest OLC Insights from this session’s presenters on the practical learning practices you’ll walk away with.

  • Date: Monday, November 18, 2024 
  • Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Lead Presenter: Kristen Gay, Director of Research, Online Learning Consortium, Inc.
  • Co-Presenters: Josh Herron, Director of Professional Learning, Online Learning Consortium, Inc.; Jenay Robert, Senior Researcher, EDUCAUSE; Colette Chelf, Director of Grants, Online Learning Consortium, Inc.

Join us for an innovative masterclass exploring AI’s transformative impact on research roles, practices, and futures. Gain insights into practical integrations of AI tools across the research cycle and develop strategic action plans to navigate potential threats and leverage opportunities in this evolving landscape.

Additional Information

This innovative masterclass will offer researchers a much-needed “time out” to reflect on and redefine their relationships with generative AI. This session will explore how AI is transforming research roles, methodologies, and philosophies, serving as a pre-policy tool to help researchers navigate these profound changes. Engage in thought-provoking discussions and gain a deeper understanding of the ethical and positional implications of integrating AI into your research practices.

In addition to interrogating our evolving relationships with AI, we will dive into the practical integration of AI tools throughout the research cycle. Together, we will discover a variety of tools that can revolutionize different stages of your research, from data collection and analysis to dissemination. Through real-world applications and practical strategies, you will learn how to enhance your workflow and improve research outcomes, positioning yourself at the forefront of technological advancement in your field.

Finally, we will tackle pressing questions and challenges associated with AI in research and develop a vision for the meaningful integration of AI into your research practice. By developing strategic action plans to navigate potential threats and leverage opportunities, we will reflect on how this future will change our identity, role, and process(es) as researchers. Attendees will leave the masterclass empowered and equipped to harness AI’s potential while maintaining their integrity in this ever-evolving landscape.


Master Class PM sessions 

From Dull to Dazzling: Transform Your Slides through Storytelling and Design

Read the latest OLC Insights from this session’s presenters on the practical learning practices you’ll walk away with.

  • Date: Monday, November 18, 2024 
  • Time: 1:00pm- 4:00pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Lead Presenter: Sean Nufer, Senior Director of Teaching and Learning, TCS Education System

Transform your PowerPoint presentations from dull to dazzling in this masterclass, focusing on storytelling, design principles, and advanced techniques. Create engaging, visually stunning slides that captivate and educate. Equip yourself with the skills to overcome common pitfalls and elevate your educational presentations.

Additional Information

Many of us have endured what’s famously called “death by PowerPoint,” but it’s not PowerPoint itself that’s at fault – it’s poorly designed slides that lead to that dreaded experience. In this masterclass we will unveil strategies to overcome the common pitfalls of presentation design by focusing on three key areas: dynamic storytelling techniques, robust design principles, and advanced technical skills in PowerPoint. Together, we will transform ordinary and text-laden slides into captivating, informative, and visually stunning presentations. Let’s turn the mundane into something truly dazzling.

Part 1: The Art of Storytelling The first part of the masterclass will focus on essential skills of storytelling with data, crucial for educators who aim to deliver impactful lessons. We will explore key strategies for effective storytelling and demonstrate how to apply these to classroom materials. Participants will learn to craft engaging narratives that not only present data effectively but also resonate with their audience. This approach will enhance educators’ ability to connect with and educate their students, transforming data into compelling educational experiences.

Part 2: Principles of Design in PowerPointThe second segment shifts our focus to the fundamental elements and principles of design necessary for crafting visually appealing and educational PowerPoint presentations. Integrating techniques from our graphic design and marketing counterparts, participants will discover effective slide layouts, strategic imagery use, and how choices in color and font impact audience engagement and retention. We will discuss how to leverage these design elements to enhance clarity and visual appeal, assisting faculty in capturing and maintaining audience attention. We will also share practical design tips to ensure that presentations are both attractive and educationally effective.

Part 3: Advanced PowerPoint TechniquesIn the final part of the masterclass, we will explore a variety of advanced PowerPoint tips, tricks, and techniques designed to enhance both efficiency and productivity in your presentations. Participants will discover a wide range of features and effects that can dramatically improve presentation dynamics. This includes creating interactive elements, utilizing dynamic transitions, and leveraging tools like PowerPoint’s zoom feature and branching scenarios for non-linear storytelling. The session is designed to equip attendees with practical techniques that elevate their presentations from standard to exceptional, ensuring they are both engaging and effective.

This masterclass will empower you with comprehensive PowerPoint skills – from storytelling and design to advanced techniques – enabling you to move beyond text-heavy slides and create presentations that are visually stunning and engaging. Our aim is for you to leave not just skilled, but inspired to transform how your audience’s experience your presentations. Together, we’ll set a new standard for educational slides that captivate and educate.

Mastering AI for Scalable and Effective Improvement of Online and Blended Courses

Read the latest OLC Insights from this session’s presenters on the practical learning practices you’ll walk away with.

  • Date: Monday, November 18, 2024 
  • Time: 1:00pm- 4:00pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Lead Presenter: Phil Denman, Coordinator, Quality Scorecard Suite, Online Learning Consortium, Inc.
  • Co-Presenters: Dylan Barth, Vice President of Innovation and Programs, Online Learning Consortium, Inc.

Unlock the power of AI to revolutionize your online course design and evaluation process. Engage in hands-on activities to train AI models, craft precise prompts, and scale the continuous improvement of your online and blended courses, ensuring high-quality, consistent, accessible, and inclusive learning experiences.

Additional Information

Topic and Relevance

In today’s fast-paced educational landscape, institutions are under immense pressure to deliver high-quality online courses that engage and support diverse learners. As online education becomes more prevalent, the demand for scalable, efficient, and effective course design and review processes grows. This session addresses this critical need by exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize the way we design, evaluate, and improve online and blended courses.

The relevance of AI in education cannot be overstated. AI offers the potential to automate and enhance many aspects of course design and review, from evaluating course materials to providing personalized feedback. By leveraging AI, institutions can ensure consistency in course quality, support continuous improvement, and free up faculty time for more meaningful interactions with students. This session will delve into the practical applications of AI in course design and review, providing attendees with the knowledge and tools to implement these technologies effectively.

Plan for Interactivity

To maximize engagement and ensure that participants leave with actionable insights, this session will incorporate a variety of interactive elements:

1. Live Demonstrations: We will begin with live demonstrations of AI tools in action. Participants will see how AI models can review course objectives, learning outcomes, syllabi, and full course content. These demonstrations will provide a clear understanding of the capabilities and limitations of AI in educational contexts.

2. Hands-on Activities:Participants will engage in hands-on exercises where they will input sample course materials into AI models. They will learn how to train these models with specific objectives in mind, such as aligning with a Course Evaluation scorecard or rubric. This practical experience will demystify the process of working with AI and build participants’ confidence in using these tools.

3. Crafting Effective Prompts:A key part of the session will focus on crafting effective prompts to guide AI in reviewing course content. Participants will practice writing prompts that elicit meaningful and actionable feedback from AI models. This skill is crucial for ensuring that the AI provides relevant insights that can drive course improvement.

4. Interpreting AI Recommendations:After generating AI recommendations, participants will work in small groups to interpret these recommendations and discuss how they can be applied to improve course design. This collaborative activity will foster peer learning and provide diverse perspectives on the potential applications of AI in education.

5. Polls and Q&A:Throughout the presentation, we will use live polls to gauge participants’ understanding and gather their opinions on various topics. These polls will serve as a springboard for discussions and help tailor the session to the participants’ needs. A dedicated Q&A segment will allow attendees to ask questions and seek clarifications, ensuring that everyone leaves with a clear understanding of the concepts covered.

6. Group Discussions:In addition to small group activities, we will facilitate larger group discussions on the potential and challenges of integrating AI into course design and review processes. These discussions will encourage participants to share their experiences and ideas, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Specific Learning Outcomes

1. Understanding AI Applications:Participants will learn about the various applications of AI in education, specifically in the context of online course design and review. We will explore how AI can automate repetitive tasks, provide personalized feedback, and support data-driven decision-making.

2. Training AI Models:The session will cover the steps involved in training AI models with course materials. Participants will learn how to input different types of content, such as course objectives, learning outcomes, and syllabi, to train AI models effectively. This knowledge will enable participants to tailor AI tools to meet their specific needs and objectives.

3. Crafting Effective Prompts:Crafting precise prompts is essential for guiding AI in reviewing course content. Participants will develop skills in writing prompts that generate relevant and actionable feedback from AI models. We will provide examples and best practices to help participants master this skill.

4. Interpreting AI Recommendations:Once AI models generate recommendations, it is crucial to interpret and apply these insights effectively. Participants will learn how to analyze AI-generated feedback and use it to enhance course design. We will discuss strategies for aligning AI recommendations with course objectives and institutional standards.

5. Scaling AI-enhanced Processes:One of the significant advantages of AI is its ability to scale processes across multiple courses, departments, or institutions. Participants will discover strategies for implementing AI-enhanced course design and review processes at scale, ensuring consistency and saving faculty time. We will explore strategies to successfully integrate AI into workflows.

6. Ensuring Continuous Improvement:Continuous improvement is a cornerstone of effective education. Participants will learn how to use AI to support ongoing course evaluation and improvement. We will discuss how AI can help identify areas for enhancement, track progress over time, and ensure that courses remain aligned with best practices and evolving educational standards.

7. Addressing DEI and UDL Principles:Ensuring that courses are accessible and inclusive is a critical aspect of course design. Participants will learn how AI can support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) by identifying and addressing potential barriers in course content. We will provide examples of how AI can enhance the accessibility and inclusivity of online courses.

Practical Applications and Takeaways

The primary goal of this session is to equip participants with practical skills and knowledge that they can apply in their own institutions. By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  1. Implement AI tools to review and improve course content, ensuring high-quality online learning experiences.
  2. Train AI models with specific objectives, such as aligning with a Course Evaluation scorecard or rubric.
  3. Craft effective prompts to guide AI in providing relevant and actionable feedback.
  4. Interpret AI-generated recommendations and apply them to enhance course design.
  5. Scale AI-enhanced course design and review processes across multiple courses, departments, or institutions.
  6. Ensure that courses adhere to DEI and UDL principles, making online learning more accessible and inclusive.
  7. Save faculty time and energy by automating repetitive tasks and supporting data-driven decision-making.

By incorporating these practical applications and takeaways, participants will leave the session with a clear roadmap for integrating AI into their course design and review processes. This session will empower administrators, educators, and instructional designers to leverage AI to create engaging, accessible, and high-quality online learning experiences.

Registration options 

Combo Package

  • Buy two Pre-conference Master classes (one AM class, one PM class)
  • 9:00am – 4:00pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Fee: $595 member, $850 non-member (2 class package total)

Individual Classes

  • 9:00am – 12:00pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • 1:00pm – 4:00pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Fee: $345 member, $475 non-member each