The Future is Co-Created: Toward Inclusive, Collaborative Digital Learning

  • Wednesday, November 20, 2024
  • 7:45am – 9:15am U.S. Eastern Time Zone
  • Pacific Ballroom

How do we make the transition from the hierarchical, inequitable, output-driven academy we inherited from the nineteenth century to a higher education that empowers all students to be their own best selves, modeling a more democratic, flourishing, and just society? How do we make this transition in digital learning? In this keynote, Dr. Christina Katopodis, coauthor with Cathy N. Davidson of the award-winning book, The New College Classroom (Harvard University Press, 2022), presents what the latest science of learning tells us about inclusive, collaborative digital learning. She shares teaching strategies that anyone can adapt easily and effectively–whether you are teaching online synchronous or asynchronous courses, hybrid, or in-person and using digital pedagogies–and grab-and-go activities that educators around the world are using successfully every day to ensure their students’ lifelong success–and to revitalize their own commitment to a better world.

Note:  Our session will begin with breakfast at 7:45am and the OLC Awards Recognition starting at 8:00am. This will be immediately followed by the Keynote address starting at 8:30am.   

Christina Katopodis, PhD

is Mellon Senior Researcher at the CUNY Humanities Alliance, currently pursuing research on the indispensable role of a humanities education in a just society. She is the former Associate Director of Transformative Learning in the Humanities and founder of Engaged & Ready, a project that empowers faculty with antiracist active learning tools to democratize their classrooms. She is the winner of the 2019 Diana Colbert Innovative Teaching Prize and the 2018 Dewey Digital Teaching Award. She has authored or co-authored articles published in Chronicle of Higher Ed, English Language Notes, ESQ, Hybrid Pedagogy, Inside Higher Ed, ISLE, MLA’s Profession, Times Higher Ed, and Zeal: A Journal for the Liberal Arts. With Cathy N. Davidson, Katopodis is author of The New College Classroom (Harvard University Press, 2022), winner of the AAC&U 2023 Frederic W. Ness Book Award