Thursday, November 21, 2024
8:30am-9:30am US Eastern Time Zone
Pacific Ballroom

Moderator: Patsy Moskal, Ed.D., Director, Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Central Florida

Panelists: Anthony Picciano, Ph.D., Professor, CUNY Hunter College;  Jenay Robert, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, EDUCAUSE;  J. Garvey Pyke, Ed.D., Executive Director – Center for Teaching and Learning, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

This panel brings together experts from higher education research, support, leadership, and faculty to discuss how generative AI is impacting higher education. We’ll discuss changes to come for faculty, students, and the institution.

The rapid growth of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is forcing society and our educational institutions to investigate how to integrate AI ethically, efficiently, and effectively into both university instruction and operations. Since the COVID pandemic, colleges and universities have integrated various online technologies in support of instruction, research, academic services, and administrative efficiency. Similar conversations are occurring on campuses now to determine how generative AI will impact faculty, researchers, and staff. Today’s generative AI is the starting point of this evolution, and more advanced forms of AI will emerge in the coming years. This panel will discuss critical questions related to the emergence of AI in higher education.

Some possible questions include:
What does the research say about the way generative AI is being used by universities, faculty, and students?
What impact will AI have on our teaching methods? How will it affect our research practices? How will it transform our advising, counseling, and support services?
Will administrative processes become more efficient with AI and what might be the impact of those efficiencies?
How do we guide junior faculty who envision themselves in academic careers for decades?

Moderator: Patsy Moskal, Ed.D.

Director, Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Central Florida

Patsy Moskal

Dr. Patsy Moskal is Director for the Digital Learning Impact Evaluation in the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Since 1996, she has served as the liaison for faculty research involving digital learning technologies and in support of the scholarship of teaching and learning at UCF. Patsy specializes in statistics, graphics, program evaluation, and applied data analysis. She has extensive experience in research methods including survey development, interviewing, and conducting focus groups and frequently serves as an evaluation consultant to school districts, and industry and government organizations. She has served as a co-principal investigator on grants from several government and industrial agencies including the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Gates Foundation-funded Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC). Patsy frequently serves as a proposal reviewer for conferences and journals, also serving on the editorial boards of the Online Learning journal, Education Sciences and The International Journal for the Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning, in addition to serving as a frequent reviewer for NSF IUSE and SBIR/STTR proposals and DoE proposals. In 2011 Dr. Moskal was named an Online Learning Consortium Fellow “In recognition of her groundbreaking work in the assessment of the impact and efficacy of online and blended learning.” Patsy is very active in both EDUCAUSE and Online Learning Consortium (OLC) conferences. She serves on the EDUCAUSE Analytics & Research Advisory Group and co-leads the EDUCAUSE Evidence of Impact Community Group. She currently serves as Vice President of the OLC Board of Directors, serves on the OLC Research Advisory Council, and is a special issue editor for the yearly Online Learning special issue on OLC conferences. Patsy has co-authored numerous articles and chapters on blended, adaptive, and online learning and is a frequent presenter at conferences and to other researchers. Her latest edited book (2021), with Picciano, Dziuban & Graham, is now available: Blended Learning Research Perspectives, Volume 3.

Co-presenter: Anthony Picciano, Ph.D.

Professor, CUNY Hunter College

anthony picciano

Dr. Anthony G. Picciano is a Professor and Executive Officer for the Ph.D. Program in Urban Education at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). He is also a member of the faculty in the Education Leadership Program at Hunter College, the doctoral program in Interactive Pedagogy and Technology at the Graduate Center, and the CUNY Online BA Program in Communication and Culture. He has forty-four years of experience in higher education administration and teaching and has served as a director of computer services, dean, vice president, and deputy to the president at CUNY and SUNY colleges. He has been involved in a number of major grants from the U.S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, IBM, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. In 1998, Dr. Picciano co-founded CUNY Online, a multi-million dollar initiative funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation that provides support services to faculty developing online and blended learning courses. Dr. Picciano’s major research interests are school leadership, education policy, online teaching and learning, data-driven decision making, and multimedia instructional models. Dr. Picciano has conducted three major national studies with Jeff Seaman on the extent and nature of online and blended learning in American K-12 school districts. He has authored or edited numerous articles and eleven books including Educational Leadership and Planning for Technology, 5th Edition (2010, Pearson), Data-Driven Decision Making for Effective School Leadership (2006, Pearson), Distance Learning: Making Connections across Virtual Space and Time (2001, Pearson), and Educational Research Primer (2004, Continuum). In 2012, he published a book with Joel Spring, entitled, The Great American Education-Industrial Complex: Ideology, Technology, and Profit, (Routledge). In 2007, he co-edited a book on blended learning with Chuck Dziuban entitled, Blended Learning: Research Perspectives and has just published (2014) a new version of this book entitled, Blended Learning: Research Perspectives, Volume 2 (Taylor/Francis). He is currently writing a new book with Chuck Dziuban, Charles Graham, and Patsy Moskal entitled, New Pedagogical Frontiers: Conducting Research in Online and Blended Learning Environments. Dr. Picciano has been on the Board of Directors of the Online Learning Consortium (formerly the Sloan Consortium) since 2001. His activities have included serving on the planning committees for the Annual Conference, the Annual Workshop on Blended Learning, and the Symposium on Emerging Technologies. Lastly, he has been an associate editor of JALN since 2002 and has edited five special editions. In 2010, Dr. Picciano received the Online Learning Consortium’s National Award for Outstanding Achievement in Online Education by an Individual.

Co-presenter: Jenay Robert, Ph.D.

Senior Researcher at EDUCAUSE

Jenay Robert

Jenay’s areas of interest include the future of education and work, equitable and inclusive education and work, social and cultural influences on teaching and learning, and ethical data practices.

Co-presenter: Garvey Pyke, Ed.D.

Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning at University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Garvey Pyke

Garvey leads Charlotte’s Center for Teaching and Learning in fueling the enrollment growth at the university through online course development, creating high impact student success programs using personalized and adaptive learning, promoting faculty success and scholarly teaching through innovative faculty development programs, and overseeing the provision and support of enterprise academic technologies, with a focus on high quality instruction in all teaching modes and models. The success of the CTL has made him a sought-after contributor for professional organizations and consultant for other institutions, having served as President of the University of North Carolina Faculty Developers Consortium and also as a member of steering committees for the both the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate and Accelerate conferences, and he has presented multiple times at these and other conferences. He has been co-director and is currently a member of the faculty of the OLC Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning.

As an educator for over 25 years and having been with CTL since 2003, Garvey enjoys collaborating with faculty members and staff to design and develop programs which impact faculty satisfaction and lead to student success. His work involves the practical application of research methods and instructional systems design methods to various instructional projects at UNC Charlotte, and he is an affiliate member of the Graduate School and has served on several dissertation committees. He holds a doctorate from Indiana University’s School of Education in Instructional Systems Technology and has taught at the university and K12 levels. He is also a graduate of the OLC Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning as well as the EDUCAUSE Learning Technology Leadership Institute. He also holds a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Pepperdine University and a bachelor’s degree in English from Tulane University.