Please note to which category of presentation you have been accepted, and read the description for detailed information. The session types and other information will be helpful to you as you prepare your presentation.

Claim Your Session | Session Types | Timeline | AV & Media | Presentation Uploads


Be sure to follow these steps no later than Wednesday, December 18 to notify us of your intention to present at the conference.  

All affiliated presenters are notified, but only the lead presenter should claim the session. Only one presenter (typically the original author of the submission) can claim the session.

If you plan to join us in Chicago, your next steps should be:

  • Register to attend the conference. The deadline for presenters to register is February 5.
  • Make your hotel reservations. The hotel is expected to sell out, so don’t delay in reserving your room.
  • Plan to upload your presentation materials to your session page no later than March 20. Instructions and a session evaluation reminder slide will be emailed closer to the due date. Presenters are reminded to not only present interesting and compelling content on their topic, but to also include their session audience in interactive and engaging dialogue.
  • Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by the Presenters tab.  
  • Let your co-presenters know when you are scheduled to present. Be sure to check back frequently as presentation rooms, dates, and times do change.  Changes to session dates/times can take place as late as the presenter registration deadline (Feb 5).  Presenters will be notified if there is a change to their session date/time. We recommend that you plan to stay through the end of the conference (Friday at 1pm CT) and make your travel arrangements accordingly.
  • Review the Presenter FAQ page. This page will be updated with additional information as the conference approaches.
  • Take advantage of OLC Presenter Services, offering opportunities to enhance your presentation skills with Coaching, Webinars, and Presenter Guides.
  • Review your OLC user profile to make sure it is complete and up to date with your name, title, affiliation, photo and bio.
  • Send any abstract edits (title, abstract, co-presenters, etc.) to no later than February 5.
  • Download the presenter promo kit (pdf) for ideas on how to promote your session and the conference. 

Be sure to add to your email safe-senders list to ensure you continue to receive logistical emails from the OLC Conference team as the conference approaches.


Please note: You MUST follow these steps no later than December 18 to accept your presentation slot. If you do not actively follow these steps to accept to present, it will be assumed that you intend to withdraw your proposal.  If you require any special accommodations in order to present, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing

  1. Login to OLC’s conference management system. Please email if you have any difficulty signing into your account.
  2. Click on “My Sessions” in the upper right hand corner of the OLC Conference Management System. 

  3. Select the “Accept/Decline presentation offer” link for your session, and follow the prompts to accept or decline our offer to present. You will be asked to confirm several items of note in this process, including that you understand what your presentation type will be. If you accept, you will be asked whether you will allow your presentation to be streamed* to the virtual conference audience.

If you accept, you will be asked whether you will allow your presentation to be streamed* to the virtual conference audience.

*Note if you accept with allowing streaming, you will also be asked to complete a release form. Please be sure to complete this step so that we may schedule your session accordingly. We recommend that you accept your session to be streamed. Streamed sessions are those that are viewable to our virtual attendees as well as being recorded for on-demand viewing by all conference attendees. Even if your session is not currently scheduled to be streamed, if the opportunity arises it will be helpful to have your permission statement on file.

Featured and Best-in-Track presentations are required to agree to be streamed. If, as one of these “special” designations of sessions you do not agree, you will be re-categorized as a standard Present & Reflect session and your room and presentation time will change.

While Discovery Sessions are not streamed, if you are on the waitlist and should a slot open up and your session be eligible to be moved to your preferred presentation format, your odds will improve if you have agreed to potentially be streamed.

Session Types and Descriptions

Please claim your session using the process outlined above, review your session page in the conference program/session listing, and make a note of the exact day, time, and room location of your session.* Note that as lead presenter, you MUST claim your session by the stated deadline (December 18) in order to officially accept this offer to present.

During the claiming process, you will be asked to accept or decline to allow your session to be streamed from the conference. Please be sure to complete this step so that we may schedule your session accordingly. Not all sessions will be streamed.

*Session dates, time and rooms are subject to change. We recommend that you plan to stay through the end of the conference (Friday at 1:00pm CT) and make your travel arrangements accordingly.  

The conference provides several session types:

1. Present & Reflect Session

2. Workshop (Wednesday)

3. Conversation, Not Presentation

4. Discovery Session

5. Pre-conference Workshop (Tuesday)

6. Featured Session

7. Innovation Studio Design Thinking Challenge

8. Industry Showcase or National Sponsor Presentation

9. Career Forum Roundtable



1. Present & Reflect Session:

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Attendees should expect to listen before group discussion during Present and Reflect Sessions.

The total time allotted for your Present & Reflect Session is 45 minutes. Include a 30-minute presentation in which you share information related to one of the conference proposal tracks, followed by 5 minutes for quiet individual reflection, and then end with a 10-minute Q&A and group discussion.

A Present & Reflect Session is a standard session in a breakout room.

In order to best serve the diverse needs of our participants, presenters are reminded to design conference experiences to be as interactive and engaging as possible. Presentations should set the stage for interaction, but should not dominate the entire session time.

If your educate & reflect session is part of our streamed session offerings, please keep the following in mind in order to actively engage your virtual audience:

  • Design your presentation with both virtual and on-site audiences in mind.
  • Deliver an interactive session, including providing any interactive features (i.e. polling) to both audiences.
  • Repeat any questions you take from your audience prior to answering in order to ensure the virtual audience clearly hears both the question and answer.  Use your microphone!
  • Acknowledge both audiences throughout your session.

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.



2. Workshop (Wednesday): 

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Attendees should expect to be actively involved during Workshops.

The total time allotted for your Workshop is 90 minutes. Please allow time for questions, answers, and discussion with the audience.

Please note: Workshops will not be part of the streaming session offerings due to the interactive and small group work nature of the workshop.

Workshops are designed with specific, identifiable learning outcomes with in-class opportunities to support collaborative and/or interactive group activities. Presenters will provide an opportunity for questions, answers, and/or whole group discussion within the course of the workshop and will describe how this element will be used to best engage participants. Workshops provide participants with tangible “take-away” information, models, and/or products and should be a more in-depth look into technological tools available in a shorter Information Session. Please develop a minimum of 2-4 learning objectives for your participants. These should be clear and measurable outcomes for the 90-minute workshop learning experience.

Workshops are offered free to all participants and are open to all attendees on a first-come, first-serve, space available basis. Attendance at workshops can be anticipated to be anywhere from 40-100 attendees for this conference. Each presenter must specify what device requirements are expected of participants attending the workshop.

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.



3. Conversation, Not Presentation:  

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Attendees should expect to be actively involved during Conversations, Not Presentations.

The total time allotted for your Conversation, Not Presentation session is 45 minutes. Conversation, Not Presentation sessions are a unique session type at OLC Innovate, and require special attention by presenters in preparation for the session. Facilitation and shared exploration by the group is the focus of this interactive session. The audience may even help solve the dilemma or explore the topic you present. 

Conversation, Not Presentation sessions are intended to tap into the collective intelligence to address challenges and dilemmas in our field. For your session, think of yourself as facilitator more than presenter, emcee more than expert. Provide a brief introduction (5 minutes or less!) of your topic or issue, seed some provocative questions, then step back and listen as the buzz begins to grow. At small tables, participants will dive into conversation with their own ideas, reactions and experiences, and you will circulate to tune in, stoke the flame, dig deeper or just observe. Tables will crowd-source notes and highlights of their conversations in a communal Google Doc (OLC Institute staff will be on hand to assist). Save some time before the end for everyone to hear from each table—what were their key take-aways or big a-has? To close, offer a concluding thought or two, or simply step back and appreciate what you’ve created together.

We encourage you as a presenter to participate in the crowd source note-taking and contributions in the shared google doc.

Note: These presentations will be “slide-free” or have a single-slide to kick-off conversations. The session archivist’s notes will show on the screen the majority of the session. Due to the discussion aspect, Conversation, Not Presentation sessions will not be part of the streaming program. 

Be sure to make a plan for assistive technology or accommodations for folks that rely on slide decks (handouts, etc.). The Diversity & Inclusion committee is available to provide support if needed. Email if you would like to request assistance from the Diversity & Inclusion committee. 

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.



4. Discovery Session

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Attendees should expect to listen and discuss in 1:1 or 1:small group settings during this Discovery session.

The total time allotted for your Discovery Session is 45 minutes. For your presentation, you will be assigned a concurrent session presentation time, a presentation table in the Discovery Session area, and a position number to indicate your table location. In the Discovery Sessions, several presenters will present from their laptops at their assigned tables (1 presentation per table) as attendees circulate around the area to the various presentation stations to speak with presenters.

Discovery Sessions involve a brief electronic presentation (10-15 minutes maximum, repeated to attendees over a 45 minute time period) with the goal of eliciting comments and ideas from your peers. The Discovery Sessions are intended to allow for interactive 1:1 discussions between presenters and attendees. In general, we recommend a short series of PowerPoint slides (no more than 5) that hit your key points and are visually appealing to draw attendees to your table. There is no right or wrong way to present your Discovery Session. There are no specific requirements, other than they are conducted electronically on a laptop or other electronic device (such as an iPad) large enough for a small group of attendees to easily read the screen while standing next to you. No projector devices, please. The conference will provide a counter-height table for your laptop, wireless internet, and power to the table.  There are no microphones or speakers, so any laptop audio would need to come directly from your device.

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.

Important note on Discovery Session scheduling: Your assigned slot for your Discovery Session presentation may change prior to the start of the conference in order to provide program balance.  If your presentation day/time is changed, you will be notified by the OLC Senior Director of Conferences. These changes can occur right up to the start of the conference, as the number of presentations per session needs to be balanced. Therefore, Discovery Session presenters should plan their travel accordingly. We recommend you arrange your travel to arrive to the conference venue no later than the 12:00pm Wednesday for the first concurrent session of the conference, and plan to depart after the final concurrent session, which ends on Friday at 1:00pm. This will ensure that you are available to present during any concurrent session to which you may be reassigned.



5. Pre-conference Workshops (Tuesday)

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Attendees should expect to be actively involved during Workshops.

The total time allotted for your Pre-conference Workshop is 3 hours. The Pre-conference Workshops will be held on Tuesday, March 31, 2020. We recommend that you arrive 15-20 minutes early to prepare and set up any necessary configurations needed for your session.  Presenters must account for questions, answers, and/or whole group discussion within the course of the workshop.

These 3 hour pre-conference workshops will provide participants with tangible “take-away” information, models, and/or processes and will offer a more in-depth look into tools and approaches than the 45-minute Present & Reflect Sessions.

Your pre-conference workshop session includes specific, identifiable learning outcomes with in-session opportunities to support collaborative and/or interactive group learning activities. Presenters will provide an opportunity for questions, answers, and/or group discussion and activities within the course of the workshop to best engage participants in related learning activities.

Note that presenters are responsible for providing all pre-conference workshop materials.  You will receive instructions at a later date on how to upload materials to the conference website, so that attendees can print them in advance or access them during your session.  You will also be provided a list of attendees registered for your pre-conference workshop two weeks prior to the start of the conference.  You will be able to email them instructions and pre-read materials, as well as any items they should print and bring with them, in advance.

Please note: Pre-conference Workshops will not be part of the streaming session offerings due to the interactive and small group work nature of the workshop.

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.



6. Featured Sessions

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Thank you for agreeing to be a Featured or Invited Presenter.

The total time allotted for Featured Sessions is 45 minutes. Please allow 5-10 minutes of that time for questions, answers, and discussion with the audience.

During the claiming process, you will be asked to accept or decline to allow session to be live webcast from the conference. Featured and Best-in-Track presentations are required to agree to be streamed. If, as one of these “special” designations of sessions you do not agree, you will be re-categorized as a standard Present & Reflect session and your room and presentation time will change. 

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.

Send any abstract edits (title, abstract, co-presenters, etc.) to no later than February 5.



7. Innovation Studio Design Thinking Challenge

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Attendees should expect to be actively involved during Innovation Studio Design Thinking Challenges. 

The total time allotted for your Innovation Studio Design Thinking Challenge is 45 minutes. Innovation Studio Design Thinking Challenge presentations will take place in the Innovation Studio, located in the exhibit hall.

The studio is designed to highlight applied teaching, learning, management, and research for learning, all within an active learning space, design studio and collaborative makerspace. Exploring a specific challenge, pedagogical strategy, technological tool, research method, industry innovation, or leadership approach for participants to learn more about, experiment with, and implement immediately at all skill levels, the Innovation Studio Design Thinking Challenge sessions should be comprised of the following segments:

  • Prompt – a 5-minute facilitated, quick-start conversation to kick off the studio session.
    • i.e. – The facilitator presents a “how might we …” challenge to solve a particular problem.
  • Brainstorming: Understanding the Challenge – a 20 minute divergent brainstorm session to generate new ideas and solutions to the challenge. 
    • i.e. – Presenter facilitates brainstorming session with planned activities and brainstorming approaches. 
  • Prototyping: Working Towards Solutions – a 20-minute convergent session for participants to process, refine, vote on, and even paper prototype the concepts and practices shared.
    • i.e. – Teams present solutions, narrow down top choices, identify practical next steps, and consider how they might apply in their own instructional context.

In that the Innovation Studio is quite different than your traditional education session at a conference, we wanted to offer some information on the space to help you in planning your session.

About the Space

The Innovation Studio space is comprised of two distinct areas – an area featuring a series of stations for participants to reflect and experiment at their own pace and a live demo space for participants to take part in live, large group, hands-on demos of innovative, effective practices and cutting-edge emerging technology.  The studio stations move participants through an Innovation Cycle, with each station featuring a different step in the process for creating a strategy, effective practice or pedagogical approach. Participants document their ideas on a virtual studio manual and connect with “studio assistants” stationed in the space.

The live demo space is adjacent to the stations, and features round tables for participants to work on a guided experiment that you will lead. You will have a podium and a display to hook up any technology. The two spaces are meant to work together, and ideally, participants can continue to hone and refine the ideas that arise from your guided experiment at the stations.

Please note: Innovation Studio Design Thinking Challenge presentations will not be part of the streaming session offerings due to the nature of the presentation.

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.


8. Industry Showcase or National Sponsor Presentation

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

The total time allotted for your Industry Showcase or National Sponsor Presentation is 45 minutes. Please allow 5-10 minutes of that time for questions, answers, and discussion with the audience.

  • Design your presentation to be interactive and highlight how your company solves an issue that online and blended educators face.
  • Avoid an obvious sales pitch.
  • Solve a real-world problem – provide solutions or suggestions to common problems that educators or institutions face.

In order to best serve the diverse needs of our participants, presenters are reminded to design conference experiences to be as interactive and engaging as possible. Presentations will set the stage for interaction, but should not dominate the entire session time.

If your education session is part of our streamed session offerings, please keep the following in mind in order to actively engage your virtual audience:

  • Design your presentation with both virtual and on-site audiences in mind.
  • Deliver an interactive session, including providing any interactive features (i.e. polling) to both audiences.
  • Repeat any questions you take from your audience prior to answering in order to ensure the virtual audience clearly hears both the question and answer.  Use your microphone!
  • Acknowledge both audiences throughout your session.

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.



9. Career Forum Roundtable

Find your scheduled session, including date, time and location, by following this link to the Program/Session Listing and search by Presenters.  

Attendees should expect to be moderately involved in discussion in career forum roundtables. 

The total time allotted for your Career Forum Roundtable is 45 minutes. Please allow plenty of time in this roundtable format for questions, answers, and discussion with the attendees. Be sure to include discussion on the following topics (from the CFP):

  • What specific EdTech career issue, challenge or opportunity will the proposed Career Forum address? (The proposal should lead with a clear statement of an issue, challenge or opportunity of significance.)
  • Who is the target audience for this Career Forum? [Example target audiences might include faculty (full-time and adjunct) at varying stages of their careers, university administrators, instructional design professionals, consultants, and entrepreneurs.]
  • What major discussion points will be covered? Do these points reflect contemporary EdTech trends and issues? Do they connect with current workforce innovation trends or opportunities? [A brief discussion protocol would be useful to include.]
  • What specific career-related takeaways (e.g., lessons learned, resources) will the Career Forum attendees glean from their participation?

In order to best serve the diverse needs of our participants, presenters are reminded to design conference experiences to be as interactive and engaging as possible. Presentations will set the stage for interaction, but should not dominate the entire session time.

Please note: Career Forum Roundtables will not be part of the streaming session offerings due to the nature of the presentation.

All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device.



  • Deadline for presenters to accept is December 18, 2019
  • Deadline for presenters to register is February 5, 2020
  • Final date for presenters to edit abstracts is February 5, 2020
  • Final presentation upload date is March 20, 2020


AV & Media

With the exception of Discovery sessions*, standard A/V equipment, including an LCD projector, screen, audio output from your personal laptop, and a hard wired internet connection to the podium will be provided for all sessions. Wireless internet will be available for attendees in the session room. 

*Discovery session presenters will be provided a tall counter-height table for your laptop, wireless internet, and power to the table.  There are no microphones or speakers, so any laptop audio would need to come directly from your device.

Please note: The conference does not provide laptops for presenters. All sessions are designated as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Each presenter must bring his own laptop/device. Additionally, any handouts you may want to distribute or support materials you may want attendees to have must be provided by you. OLC will provide instructions to you closer to the conference on how to upload support materials to the conference website so that attendees can access them.


Presentation Uploads

As an accepted presenter, you are strongly encouraged to upload your presentation materials as a pdf, PowerPoint file, or link (Prezi, VoiceThread, etc.) to your session in the OLC conference management system by March 20, 2020. The contributions will remain online as part of the conference materials after the conference. You will be provided instructions at a later date by the conference management team. Session abstracts and information about the presenters also will be included in the resource.

IMPORTANT: In order to post your final presentation to your session page, you will need to log into your user account on the OLC Conference Management System. Presenters will be provided instructions on how to upload their presentation materials in March.  Presenters will also be provided a slide that we encourage them to insert at the beginning of their presentation to encourage attendees to provide evaluation feedback through the mobile app or website for their presentation.

OLC does not require or provide a specific conference PowerPoint template for your presentation. We encourage presenters to use their own template to build their personal or institutional brand.