AI Student Coaching: First Results from the Classroom


Come see the results of how AI Coaching of students performed in the online classroom and hear both instructor and student perspectives on using AI to provide real-time feedback assistance that promotes constructive learning.

Harmonize’s rubric coach helps the instructor build a rubric based on their assignment or discussion prompt and then allows instructors to enable real-time feedback designed to make the student pause and self-assess using the instructor’s rubric. The goal is to trigger the students to go through productive revisions in real-time so that their work is more complete and helpful to their classmates, and so that the instructor is grading the student’s best efforts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand how AI can use instructor inputs to guide coaching of students in real-time.
  • Understand instructor and student perspectives of the use of AI for this purpose.

Intended Audience:

Institutional Effectiveness, Distance Education Leaders, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Directors of Assessment

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Speaker Bio

Terri Milroy
Curriculum Designer, Workforce – Germanna Community College
Terri is an eighteen-year veteran of higher education, as first an associate professor, then as an instructional designer and curriculum developer. She has served as president of the Virginia Community College System’s eLearning and Educational Technology Committee, a reviewer and facilitator for Quality Matters, and many other state and local roles. She currently works to develop curriculum for trades, healthcare, and other workplace programs for those seeking high-demand jobs in those fields. She is also currently serving as a developer for AI Training for K-12 Educators for the state of Virginia.
Marcus Popetz
CEO/Founder – Harmonize Learning
Marcus founded Harmonize Learning (AKA 42 Lines) 15 years ago and has worked in education technology for 20 years. Early on, he tried to become a highschool teacher but failed fast with a healthy respect for the day to day lives of instructors, their workloads and the importance of their role to society. He fled back into education technology with the intent to help instructors do their jobs more easily while supporting students and has been there ever since.

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