Energize Me! Caffeine-Free Energy!


Stress and a resultant lack of energy is a common issue for online educators. Increased stress and lower satisfaction with teaching online are associated with burnout (Mosleh et al., 2022). There are several causes of stress in online work including Zoom fatigue (tiredness, anxiety, or worry resulting from overusing virtual platforms), technostress (becoming anxious or overwhelmed by working in computer-mediated environments in which there is a constant flow of new information), and work-life balance (having 24/7 access to the online classroom is a challenge for maintaining work-life balance).

In this lively webinar, the presenters will invite participants on a virtual journey of their 10 favorite holistic self-care modalities to promote energy. By using healthy strategies, educators can increase their use of self-care health promotion strategies, which in turn promotes their overall performance. Attendees will participate in an interactive self-care modality. The presenters will use guided imagery to lead attendees on a simulated walk through several energizing self-care techniques. Holistic self-care nourishes the mind, body, and spirit of the whole person. Persons who empower themselves with holistic self-care benefit in many aspects of life.

Key Takeaways:

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Explain why rejuvenation is important for the online educator.
  • Describe types of energizing self-care.
  • Participate in a virtual energizing journey.

Intended Audience:

Anyone interested in learning about holistic self-care tips to invigorate the mind, body, and spirit.

Please Note: While attending the webinar live is free for OLC members and non-members, on-demand recordings will be available post-webinar for Professional and Institutional Members only. Consider becoming an OLC member for access to these and many other great benefits!

Speaker Bio

Laura Schwarz
Professor of Nursing – Minnesota State University – Mankato School of Nursing
Dr. Laura Schwarz has dedicated her career to nursing and nursing education. She has been a Registered Nurse since 1991 with experience in critical care and medical/surgical/ trauma/neuroscience areas and has been a nurse educator since 1996. Dr. Schwarz holds a DNP and BS in Nursing from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and MS in Nursing from the University of MN. Laura is a professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato where she is the director of and teaches in the 100% online RN-BS Completion program. Dr. Schwarz is a board-certified Advanced Holistic Nurse Certified Nurse, and Certified Nurse Educator Educator (CNE) through the National League for Nursing. She also holds an ACUE certificate in online teaching and is a certified Quality Matters Peer Reviewer. Dr. Schwarz has conducted research on barriers and facilitators to BS completion for the AD RN, WebQuests, student self-grading of online discussions, civility and conflict resolution, online teacher feedback, and self-care for nurses.
Nancyruth Leibold
Nurse Educator – Southwest Minnesota State University
Dr. Nancyruth Leibold is an energetic and passionate nurse educator who launched her nursing career in 1981. Nancyruth has nursing experience in critical care, medical/surgical nursing, public health nursing, health leadership education, and nursing education. Dr. Leibold has served as a Staff Nurse, Travel Nurse, Nursing Coordinator, Director of Nursing, Nurse Researcher, and Nurse Educator. She has an EdD from College of Saint Mary, MS in Nursing from Creighton University, and BSN from Nebraska Wesleyan University. Nancyruth completed certificate programs from Minnesota State University-Mankato in Faculty Teaching and Excellence in Online Teaching. Nancyruth is a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) through the National League for Nursing. Also, Dr. Leibold has a certificate in teaching online from the University of New South Wales in Australia. Nancyruth is a Reiki Master/Teacher and certified in mindfulness as a meditation guide and forgiveness coach. Dr. Leibold holds Advanced Holistic Nurse-Board Certification. Dr. Leibold’s research interests include holistic nursing and health, civility, nursing education, online nursing, instructional technology, feedback, and teaching strategies.

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