OLC conferences provide premium opportunities to network, discover and share views on online learning, emerging technologies, and best practices for online, blended, and digital learning. Join thousands of faculty, system administrators, course designers and interested professionals in the pursuit of quality digital learning.
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OLC Innovate, a joint conference presented by OLC and MERLOT, provides a path for innovators of all experience levels and backgrounds to share best practices, test new ideas, and collaborate on driving forward online, digital, and blended learning.
Virtual | April 1-3, 2025
Accelerating Online Learning Worldwide – Emphasizing the most innovative and impactful research and effective practices in the field of online, digital and blended learning, OLC Accelerate offers a comprehensive list of sessions and activities tailored to addressing the challenges and goals of our entire community.
Orlando, FL | November 17-20, 2025
OLC Innovate, a joint conference presented by OLC and MERLOT, provides a path for innovators of all experience levels and backgrounds to share best practices, test new ideas, and collaborate on driving forward online, digital, and blended learning.
Online Learning Consortium
6 Liberty Square #2309
Boston, MA 02109
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