OLC Quality Scorecards

Transform Your Online Learning Programs with the OLC Quality Scorecard Suite.

Benchmark, evaluate, and improve your online and blended learning programs with our trusted tools and professional reviews. Discover how OLC can help you achieve excellence through expert peer review and an exemplary endorsement.

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Introducing the OLC Quality Scorecards

How Does Your Online Learning Program Measure Up?

The OLC Quality Scorecard Suite provides higher education institutions with proven benchmarks to identify strengths, address gaps, and meet accreditation standards. Our tools and services help ensure the highest quality in online education, positioning your institution for success in today’s competitive landscape.

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Measure and Improve the Quality of Your Programs

Distinguish your program with an endorsement from OLC

Program-Level Quality Reviews

Partner with OLC to benchmark and improve your institution’s programs. Our expert-led reviews offer actionable insights and measurable results. Choose from these specialized program-level scorecards:

Demonstrate your program’s excellence to accrediting bodies with OLC’s endorsement services.

Course-Level Quality Reviews

Elevate your course design and instructional practices with OLC’s course-level reviews. Our expert reviewers provide individualized feedback to help ensure every course meets the highest standards. Explore our course-level scorecard:

Course Review Scorecard

Enhance student engagement and learning outcomes with OLC’s comprehensive course reviews.

Evaluate and Improve Your Course Design

Ensure excellence in your courses with OLC Quality Scorecards

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What Institutions Are Saying about OLC Quality Reviews

Downloadable Scorecards for Self-Assessment

OLC provides free downloadable scorecards for institutions to perform initial self-assessments. OLC Institutional Members also have access to use our online Scorecard Portal to organize and store reviews. For advanced reviews and endorsements, consider partnering with OLC for professional insights and strategic planning.

Looking for the OSCQR or QCTIP scorecards?

If the new Course Review Scorecard doesn’t fully meet your needs, OSCQR and QCTIP are still available. Explore these resources to find the best fit for your institution.

Ready to Elevate Your Online Learning Programs?

Contact OLC today to learn how our expert reviews and endorsements can support your institution’s goals. Let’s start building a brighter future for your students.

OLC Quality Scorecards: Quality Course Teaching and Instructional Practice (QCTIP)

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