Margins: Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins are all 1”.

Header and Footer are both 0.5” from edge.

Paper Size: Letter, 8.5” wide x 11” tall, portrait orientation

Headers and Footers: Same for each page except for the title page

Vertical Alignment: Top


Font: Times New Roman (TNR) 12 pt.

Title Page

The first page of the paper should contain the title of the paper and bylines with author’s or authors’ name(s) and the institutional affiliation. All should be centered.

For example:

Byline Variation


One author, no affiliation

Paper Title

Mary S. Haggerty

Rochester, New York

Two authors (with suffices), one affiliation

Paper Title

John Q. Foster II and Roy R. Davis Jr.

Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey

Two authors, two affiliations

Paper Title

David Wolf

University of California, Berkley

Amanda Blue

Brandon University

Three authors, two affiliations

Paper Title

Mariah Meade and Sylvia Earleywime

Georgetown University

Jeffery Coffee

Dartmouth College


The paper should include pagination with a running head left-justified and pagination beginning with the title page (right-justified). The running head is a shortened title of no more than 50 characters, including spaces.

Running head for title page


Running head for subsequent pages:



Every page in header, right-justified, beginning with title page.


The abstract should appear at the top of the article. The abstract is left-justified and not indented. It is a concise summary of your paper and should allow the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Abstracts are accurate, nonevaluative, coherent and readable, and concise.

Heading Levels

There are five (5) possible levels for headings:




Centered, Boldface, Uppercase, and Lowercase Heading

Then your paragraph begins below, indented like a regular paragraph.


Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Then your paragraph begins below, indented like a regular paragraph.


Indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. Your paragraph begins right here, in line with the heading.


Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.Your paragraph begins right here, in line with the heading.


Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. Your paragraph begins right here, in line with the heading.


Please do not use footnotes. Because the journal is online, footnotes don’t show up well at the bottom of the page; instead incorporate notes as numbered references. Avoid bibliographic references to classified documents and reports or to unpublished material not generally available to the public.

Graphics, tables, figures, formulae and equations

OLC will accept manuscripts with either embedded graphics or linked graphics. If the latter is submitted, please make absolutely sure that all the links referenced in the manuscript are included. All the figures should be submitted in GIF or JPEG formats with the article.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures should be used only when they can present information more effectively than in running text. Care should be taken to insure that tables can be effectively presented in html, since articles will be in both html and acrobat. Table and figure titles should be at the top-left. Legends should be at the bottom of each table.

Graphs and charts

While you may use color, graphs and charts should be formatted so that bars and lines are able to be distinguished when printed in black and white. Original line drawings and graphs should be submitted as GIF or JPEG files.


Figures should be numbered in series and all legends should be included at the bottom of each figure (10pt – italic). Symbols (open or closed circles, triangles, squares) and lettering must be clear when rendered in GIF or JPEG format. Please review all figures after converting to GIF or JPEG format to insure that they are readable. If the author wishes to use color figure, (s)he may do so since this is an online journal and no additional costs are incurred for color. (Please note that if the material is eventually published in print, all color illustrations will be translated into grayscale illustrations.) If the author uses MS Word or any other editor that permits linking of GIF or JPEGs images to the manuscript, we will accept the manuscript with these files. PDF files should have GIFs or JPEGs embedded. Interlaced 89a GIF is preferred.


Photographs can be accommodated as GIF or JPEG files; authors should carefully crop images prior to saving as files. Remember that the smaller and fewer GIFs or JPEGs in the paper, the more quickly the paper can be downloaded.

Formulae and Equations

Mathematical equations should be arranged to fill the width of a single column. Subscripts and especially superscripts (i.e. exponents) should be written with care. All signs such as +, -, =, <, or > should be spaced, but the components of mathematical products should not be spaced. Do not use multiple lines unnecessarily. In order to avoid errors, it is important that all formula matter be carefully arranged with special attention paid to correctness of symbols, location of subscripts and superscripts. Note that we would prefer any complex equation to be rendered as a GIF or JPEG image.

Copyrighted Material

Authors who want to make use of artwork already published are required by copyright law to ask the owner of the copyright (usually the publisher) for permission to do so. Please be careful to assign proper credit; for example, in the legend of a figure “…from (reference); reproduced by permission of….” If any verbatim quotations of text amount to more than a few words, the same procedure should be followed. If authors use material from their own published work, permission must be obtained from the publisher. If an article is accepted for publication the author must provide the copyright permissions for already published material. If the author receives permissions faxed from the permission grantor, (s)he may fax or mail these permissions to us.

As publisher we require that authors secure permissions from information that is on the Web. For the journal and other publications associated with this organization the author must secure permission for anything that is reprinted.

In-text Citation

In-text citation and references should follow the most recent APA Style. When acknowledging your source materials, you will note the author’s name(s) and date of publication.  When the source is used as part of a sentence, cite the author(s) last name, with the publication date in parenthesis.  Example: Lauder and McHenry (2012)  If the sources are not part of a sentence, then the author’s name(s) and year would both appear in parenthesis; if there is more than one publication cited, alphabetize and separate the groups with semicolons.  Example: (Brown, Collins & Farber, 2007; Lauder & McHenry, 2011)  If the same group is cited multiple times and contains more than two individuals, after the first complete citation it may be shortened to the last name of the first author and ‘et al.’  Example: (Brown et al., 2007).

When directly quoting, you will include the page(s) number after the year. Example: “Quoted text…” (Brown et al., 2007, pp. 23-24). Note that the period falls after the in-text citation. Alternatively, you may have this: Brown et al. (2007) assert that “quoted text…” (p. 13).