Call for Submissions

We are looking for short articles from you—our community—that advance thinking in the field of digital learning. OLC Insights articles can focus on current and future trends and topics, case studies, actionable strategies, and practical advice. If you have an idea that you think would benefit the OLC community, please submit it!

We mainly publish articles that are about 800-1000 words in length (though we’re not sticklers), but we also accept videos and more creative forms of expression. Just make sure that your contribution has not been published elsewhere, and if you use generative AI, you do so as a helper, not as the main producer of content. Feel free to supplement your submission with images, infographics, and the like, as long as you have legal permission to do so. We do not publish promotional material, but if you are an industry partner who is interested in spreading the word about your products and services, check in with our partnership management team at

OLC Insights articles should be written with a broad audience in mind. In terms of style, think journalistic, not academic. In terms of tone, think informal, not stuffy. If a clothing metaphor would be helpful here, think business casual, not interview attire.

Please give us two weeks to respond to your submission. We may request revisions, and we reserve the right to make editorial changes for clarity, spelling, proper comma usage, dangling modifiers, and so forth.  

If you have a research article for which you seek publication, consider submitting it to Online Learning, OLC’s highly-ranked, peer-reviewed, open-access journal. Also, if you think your topic would better serve the OLC community as a one-hour synchronous webinar, please email us at, so we can discuss your idea.