Come see the results of how AI Coaching of students performed in the online classroom and hear both instructor and student perspectives on using AI to provide real-time feedback assistance that promotes constructive learning.
Harmonize’s rubric coach helps the instructor build a rubric based on their assignment or discussion prompt and then allows instructors to enable real-time feedback designed to make the student pause and self-assess using the instructor’s rubric. The goal is to trigger the students to go through productive revisions in real-time so that their work is more complete and helpful to their classmates, and so that the instructor is grading the student’s best efforts.
Key Takeaways:
- Understand how AI can use instructor inputs to guide coaching of students in real-time.
- Understand instructor and student perspectives of the use of AI for this purpose.
Intended Audience:
Institutional Effectiveness, Distance Education Leaders, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Directors of Assessment
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Speaker Bio

Curriculum Designer, Workforce – Germanna Community College

CEO/Founder – Harmonize Learning