The OLC Board of Directors is a collaborative group of individuals who are dedicated to a future where equitable, inclusive and high-quality online, blended and digital learning is universally accessible to all learners. Their role is to:

  1. Provide guidance and set the strategic direction for the organization
  2. Ensure that the organization has sufficient resources to support the mission

Board Member Position Description

OLC Board members have the following responsibilities:

  • Actively promote the services and activities of the OLC 
  • Fully understand the mission, vision, strategic priorities, and goals of the organization
  • Attend and actively participate in board and committee meetings (approximate 5 – 10 hours per month)
  • Serve on board committees, task forces, and advisory councils as needed
  • Prepare in advance for all board and committee meetings by reviewing the agenda and materials
  • Participate in regular reviews of board overall performance
  • Support board efforts in providing oversight of the OLC CEO
  • Follow all board policies, including Conflict of Interest

Term of Service

OLC Board of Directors initially serve a three-year term. After the initial term, Board members may have the term renewed for one additional three-year term. Participation as an OLC Board member is an uncompensated volunteer activity. Board members may have approved expenses reimbursed for attendance at OLC Board specific activities per the OLC Board Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy and in compliance with IRS guidelines.

The Governance Committee seeks nominations, from full-time employees of educational institutions, for vacancies on the OLC Board of Directors with the term of service to begin after the OLC Annual Meeting (at the end of the year). 

Per the Bylaws of the organization, nominees must be OLC members, individual or institutional membership (but not community members), in good standing with the organization.


A new Board member should be an engaged member of the online, blended and digital learning education community, possessing a broad perspective on the field with exposure beyond their educational institution such as statewide, national or international experience and knowledge in our field. This should include a commitment to service in our community.

Additionally, a potential Board member should have professional experience and expertise in one or more of the following areas of importance:

  • Higher education finance
  • Governance
  • Executive leadership
  • Policy 
  • Research/scholarship
  • Teaching
  • Instructional Design
  • Administrative leadership at the program, school/college, or institutional level
  • Strategic planning

It is expected that a new Board member should have a demonstrated record of service to OLC and knowledge of the history and mission of the OLC, as well as a genuine interest in OLC’s success.

We seek nominations for Board members from a wide range of backgrounds and experience to represent the diversity of our membership.

The following will automatically disqualify a nominee from consideration: employed full-time by a competitor, serving in certain Board roles for a competitor, lacking current membership (professional or institutional) in the OLC, former or current OLC employees (except as provided in the Bylaws), working for the same institution/system as another Board member, and failing to adhere to the nomination process (including self-nominations).