We often get asked, “What is the difference between OLC Accelerate and OLC Innovate?”  We would love to see you at both conferences, but we realize you may need to choose just one.   

While both conferences are packed full of sessions and hands-on activities to help expand your knowledge and experience, we’ve pulled together some of the key features for each event that can help you determine your best fit.   

OLC Accelerate

OLC Accelerate Technology Test Kitchen

OLC Accelerate is focused on driving quality in digital and online learning by creating a community learning space where attendees can:

  • Gather information about best practices in digital education
  • Explore and evaluate the latest research
  • Discover new strategies and methods for creating award-winning educational experiences
  • Network and share information
  • Discuss current issues and share successes and failures
  • Collaborate in learning micro-events
  • Provide insight and inspiration on a cross-section of topics

OLC Accelerate emphasizes research and networking and provides a comprehensive list of sessions and activities to appeal to your particular area of interest.

“OLC not only provides thoughtful, relevant content, but learning opportunities are presented in increasingly innovative ways. Not only do I walk away knowing more about online learning, but I’m inspired to try new ideas for resourcing and development among colleagues.”

Erin Crisp, Director of Academic Assessment, Indiana Wesleyan University

OLC Innovate

OLC Innovate Innovation Lab

OLC Innovate features an ongoing discussion revolving around the potential of new technologies, methodologies, and practices, as well as the process of implementing them. Join us for:

  • Hands-on experiences in interactive environments 
  • Exploring new and current research and educational technologies
  • Sharing best practices and collaborating with sponsors, exhibitors, and each other
  • Gamification, design thinking, improvisation; “innovative” fun and excitement
  • Timely and relatable sessions and workshops designed to foster organic discussions
  • Sharing experiences for overcoming educators’ challenges across all levels and disciplines
  • A smaller conference with more intense networking; online and blended

OLC Innovate tends to focus on conversation, hands-on activities, and collaborative learning experiences.  You will likely find a higher percentage of early adopters and early majority innovators here. 

“The OLC Innovate conference is one of the best of its kind. The OLC staff make it personal, and the general feeling is one of camaraderie and shared purpose. There’s always something new to learn and a whole lot of energy that gets you pumped to do new and exciting things.”

Angela Velez-Solic, Director, Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation, Rush University

Accelerate vs. Innovate – at a glance

The 2023 Accelerate conference attracted a total attendance of 2,132, with 835 onsite all-access passes and a virtual attendance of 162.

The 2024 Innovate conference attracted a total attendance of 1,509, with 846 onsite all-access passes and a virtual attendance of 282.