About | Schedule | Sponsors | Speakers
2023 Global Leadership Impact Summit
Our goal is to always make it as easy as possible for people to participate in our events, particularly global ones where our community convenes across time zones and access to professional development must be flexible. Thanks to a generous sponsorship from Instructure, we’ve been able to subsidize the cost of registration, and it is now free. That said, we welcome you to make a tax-deductible charitable donation to the OLC to support our annual Global Leadership Impact Summit series.
Theme: “Uniting Frontiers: Harnessing Global Partnerships for Universal Access in Education”
Partnerships with educational leaders and organizations around the world position us all to cultivate a more equitable and higher-quality digital learning future.
In an ever-evolving educational landscape, access remains a global concern, with challenges both unique to each region and universally shared. As online, blended, and digital learning continues to redefine the impact of education, the importance of building and strengthening global partnerships becomes paramount. The Online Learning Consortium invites digital learning leaders to converge during two transformative days for the third annual Global Leadership Impact Summit. This fully online gathering aims to explore the tremendous power of global coalitions and partnerships in surmounting challenges to educational access. Through collaborative discussions, idea exchanges, and strategy sessions, attendees will delve into the core challenges of our time while envisioning collective pathways forward.
The Global Leadership Impact Summit stands as a beacon for collaboration and offers a unique platform for OLC’s global leadership network. Highlighting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), participants from various corners of the world will unite to shed light on global initiatives, brainstorm innovative solutions, and magnify opportunities for mutual growth. As we acknowledge our individual challenges, this summit serves as a reminder that, together, we can forge a brighter, more inclusive future for learners everywhere.
Partnership Strategies
Explore effective changemaking approaches
Leadership Development
Upskill in areas unique to our changing world
Collaborative Design
Architect the future of digital learning partnerships
Collective Changemaking
Action plan for capacity, resources, and strategy
This two-day virtual event took place December 5-6, 2023, 10am – 3pm EST daily.
- Schedule is subject to change.
- All sessions are held virtually in Zoom.
- All sessions will be recorded and available for on-demand viewing for one (1) year post-event.
- All sessions are listed in US Eastern Standard Time Zone.
- View speaker profiles
10:00 am – 10:20 am EST |
Welcome |
Madeline Shellgren, Director of Global Outreach, Online Learning Consortium Dr. Jennifer Mathes, Chief Executive Officer, Online Learning Consortium |
10:20 am – 11:10 am EST |
Keynote AddressFocused on what strategic priorities can / should be, the keynote session will help to frame why we should care about strategic priorities not just locally, but importantly as a global community as well. Moreover, it will help us to understand how to make this central and foundational work, and will provide insight into the ways in which the operationalization of strategic priorities can lead to more inclusive, equitable, and collaborative learning futures |
Ms. Torunn Gjelsvik, Secretary General, International Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE |
11:10 am – 12:00 pm EST |
When Local Strategic Priorities Help Change the World: A Case for Global AlignmentThis session will begin with a series of brief “provocations” – short, thought-provoking talks – from global changemakers. Centering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), each speaker will story their own unique changework and demonstrate how intentionally aligned local strategic priorities can help advance global goals of quality, equitable online, blended, and digital learning spaces. This session will be particularly insightful for those seeking to apply for international grants, enter into global coalition building, as well as those seeking to understand how their work can have greater impact. |
Facilitator: Madeline Shellgren, Director of Global Outreach, Online Learning Consortium Prof. Dr. Maryna Kabanets, Head of the Department, Donetsk National Technical University Mr. Christopher Addo, Senior Assistant Registrar, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Hélène Claeys, Teacher, teacher trainer, International coordinator, INSPE Amiens - Université de Picardie Jules Verne Zeren Eder, Assistant Director of Consulting & Project Management, Online Learning Consortium Dr. Arifa Garman, Instructional Designer, University of Maryland Mr. Paul N. Kahenya, Director Online Learning, Africa Nazarene University Mr. Rassie Louw, Manager Teaching and Learning Technology, North-West University Dr. Priya Mary Mathew, Director - Center of Distance and Online Education, NMIMS Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, Professor, I4Quality.se, Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy, ICDE, ICDE OER Advocacy Committee Richard Powers, Professor & eTwinning/Erasmus+ Coordinator, Professional School of Education--Stuttgart University Dr. Diana Ruggiero, Professor, University of Memphis Dr. Dali Tan, Chair, World Language Discipline Group Chair, Prof. of Chinese, Northern Virginia Community College |
12:00 pm – 12:15 pm EST |
Break |
12:15 pm – 1:45 pm EST |
Establishing and Aligning Local Strategic Priorities for Global Impact (Workshop)Led by facilitators from around the world, this workshop guides participants through the work of setting strategic priorities. Facilitators will provide examples of how they determine strategic priorities at their institutions / organizations and will provide examples for how they align priorities to local action plans and the resources necessary to implement these actions. As a community, we will also return to a discussion of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and identify major challenges across the field of online, blended, and digital learning. Participants will then consider how and with whom they might address global challenges, and identify how to align the priorities of their institutions or organizations to global challenges. By the end of the session, participants should have identified global issues that could be addressed within their local contexts through collective action, as well as developed a series of strategic priorities and ensure alignment both locally and globally. Key questions:
Facilitators: Madeline Shellgren, Director of Global Outreach, Online Learning Consortium Mr. Christopher Addo, Senior Assistant Registrar, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Mr. Paul N. Kahenya, Director Online Learning, Africa Nazarene University Richard Powers, Professor & eTwinning/Erasmus+ Coordinator, Professional School of Education--Stuttgart University Dr. Diana Ruggiero, Professor, University of Memphis Karl Uzcategui, Associate Director, Office of Student Diversity & Multicultural Affairs, Fairfield University Dr. Yan Xu, Online Program Director, Spelman College |
1:45 pm – 2:00 pm EST |
Break |
2:00 pm – 2:45 pm EST |
Local Leadership, Collective ActionPanelists will discuss what leadership looks like within their local spaces, what challenges they face as leaders, and how leaders can work effectively with other global leaders. Key questions:
Mr. Francisco Valdivia, Research Director, EDUTIC Dr. Colette Chelf, Director of Grants, Online Learning Consortium Mr. Rassie Louw, Manager Teaching and Learning Technology, North-West University Dr. Laura Murray, President, National Museum of Language |
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm EST |
Day 1 Wrap-Up & Close |
Madeline Shellgren, Director of Global Outreach, Online Learning Consortium Dr. Dylan Barth, Assistant Vice President of Learning, Online Learning Consortium |
10:00 am – 10:15 am EST |
Welcome |
Katie Fife Schuster, Director of Global Events, Online Learning Consortium Dr. Terry DiPaolo, Vice Provost of eLearning, Dallas College | Board of Directors, Online Learning Consortium |
10:15 am – 11:00 am EST |
Plenary Talk: Partnerships for the GoalsWe’ve all undoubtedly heard something along the lines of “we can accomplish more together.” That said, why do partnerships actually matter? This plenary talk will explore this fundamental question, and will provide experiential evidence to help center us as a community as we shift into Day 2 of the Global Leadership Impact Summit. |
Dr. Priya Mary Mathew, Director - Center of Distance and Online Education, NMIMS |
11:00 am – 11:30 am EST |
Laying the ground work: What the Work of Establishing Global Partnerships Looks Like Online (Fireside Chat)Identifying partners and establishing a genuine and meaningful relationship is not always easy. In this fireside chat, we will have the opportunity to engage with personal accounts of what this type of work can look like, and learn from both the successes and mis-steps of leader(s) who have established successful partnerships. |
Dr. Trixie Smith, Director, Global Alliances in Literacy and Engagement; Red Cedar Writing Project Dr. Godson Gatsha, Deputy Vice Chancellor - Student Services, Botswana Open University Dr. Andrew Wiss, Assistant Dean for Academic Innovation and Professorial Lecturer, George Washington University Mary Showstark, Director of VIPE; Assistant Professor; Affiliate Faculty Yale Institute of Global Health, Yale Institute |
11:30 am – 11:45 am EST |
Break |
11:45 am – 12:30 pm EST |
Making Global ConnectionsTo assist participants in connecting with others both locally and globally, this session makes space for intentional and focused networking across institutions and organizations. |
Madeline Shellgren, Director of Global Outreach, Online Learning Consortium |
12:30 pm – 1:10 pm EST |
Global Coalition Building and Changemaking at Scale (Part 1)Designed as a series of back-to-back 30 minute sessions, this portion of Day 2 will showcase partnerships from around the world that have had impact in and across the field of online, blended, and digital learning. These partnerships will represent a range of institutions and organizational contexts. Each session will discuss how global coalition building has benefited them within their local contexts, what strategies have helped them connect with others globally, and how they have made impactful and sustainable changes at scale. By the end of the session, participants will have practical ideas for connecting with others to implement sustainable change. Key Questions:
Mr. Bijay Dhungana, Vice President, International Centre of Excellence For Innovative Learning (ICEFIL) Dr. Frans Kriger, International Centre of Excellence For Innovative Learning (ICEFIL) Mr. Panique Mubikirizo, Teacher Trainer, Icefil, Camilo Jose cela University, Maastricht University, Wings To Fly Initiative- CBO, Windle International Kenya |
1:10 pm – 1:25 pm EST |
Break |
1:25 pm – 2:40 pm EST |
Global Coalition Building and Changemaking at Scale (Part 2)Designed as a series of back-to-back 30 minute sessions, this portion of Day 2 will showcase partnerships from around the world that have had impact in and across the field of online, blended, and digital learning. These partnerships will represent a range of institutions and organizational contexts. Each session will discuss how global coalition building has benefited them within their local contexts, what strategies have helped them connect with others globally, and how they have made impactful and sustainable changes at scale. By the end of the session, participants will have practical ideas for connecting with others to implement sustainable change. Key Questions:
Mr. Eric Appau Asante, Director of E-Learning, KNUST, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, Professor, I4Quality.se, Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy, ICDE, ICDE OER Advocacy Committee |
2:40 pm – 3:00 pm EST |
Day 2 Wrap-Up & Close: Call-to-Action and Community PlanningAs we close the event, we will engage in one final session focused on a collective call-to-action and community planning. This session will afford participants space for additional collaboration and networking and will importantly position them with resources and tools to advance their global coalition building and changemaking efforts into 2024 and beyond. |
Katie Fife Schuster, Director of Global Events, Online Learning Consortium Dr. Angela Gunder, Chief Academic Officer, Online Learning Consortium |
Questions? Send an email to customersupport@onlinelearning-c.org.
How to Attend
Please register for on-demand access to the recordings from this event.
Our goal is to always make it as easy as possible for people to participate in our events, particularly global ones where our community convenes across time zones and access to professional development must be flexible. Thanks to a generous sponsorship from Instructure, we’ve been able to subsidize the cost of registration, and it is now free. That said, we welcome you to make a tax-deductible charitable donation to the OLC to support our annual Global Leadership Impact Summit series.
Additional Information
Below are some specific ways in which your data is shared to enhance your experience during the conference:
- Participant List – for those who have not opted out, your name, title, and organization may be included on the virtual platform for networking purposes.
- Sponsor List – for those who have not opted out, your name, title, email address, and organization will be shared with high-level sponsors as part of the sponsor benefits package.
**Press Passes are available for a very limited number of press by invitation only. For more information or questions contact us at marketing@onlinelearning-c.org
In order to protect our valued sponsors and the significant investment they have made to participate as a partner at the event, our rules strictly prohibit solicitation by attendees who are NOT sponsors. Any non-sponsors who are observed soliciting business at the event, a practice known as “suitcasing” or “outboarding”, will be asked to leave immediately. Individuals and companies found to be suitcasing or outboarding may also be excluded from future OLC conferences and events.
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2023 State of Student Success and Engagement in Higher Education Research Report
AI Foundational Guide for Higher Education
Trailblazers in Higher Ed: How the Best Use AI and Other Emerging Technologies to Innovate
The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the oldest, leading, global membership organization working to bring accessible, quality education to all through open, flexible and distance learning. ICDE is a non-governmental organisation in consultative partnership with UNESCO. ICDE’s global network of members include institutions, educational authorities, online educators, policymakers, innovators, commercial actors, and individuals. ICDE and its members collaborate on projects, events and initiatives, sharing best practices and industry knowledge. ICDE publishes a peer reviewed open access scholarly journal, Open Praxis, which focuses on research and innovation in open, distance and flexible education.
Interested in becoming a sponsor of the 2023 Global Leadership Impact Summit? Email julie.threet@onlinelearning-c.org for more information about sponsorship opportunities.