Choose from these options to share with your colleagues and networks:

Share Promotional Email

  • OLC sent you an email titled: Spread the word: Collaborate with OLC in New York City on June 13th. Please forward this along to your colleagues and friends who may be interested in the event.
  • If you did not receive this email, contact

Social Media

  • Post any or all of these messages on your institution’s and/or your own personal social channels:
  • Seach for posts with #OLCCollaborate on twitter and Facebook and share or retweet them. 
  • Post the event on your Linkedin account and all of your Linkedin Groups. 
  • Publish a post on your institution’s blog
  • Tag your posts with #OLCCollaborate

Regional Targeting 

Reach out and promote to all affiliated campuses and regional universities where you may have contacts or access to school newsletters, email contacts, or other resources.

External Communications 

  • Share all emails that OLC sends featuring the event’s details
  • Alert bloggers and media that follow your organization
  • Post to appropriate listserves

Email us at if you have any questions or would like more information. 

Thank you!