Great Web 2.0 Tools to Improve Learning

July 31, 2009

Practitioner Document – ABSTRACT

Learn more about upcoming workshops and register online at /learn/workshops/
This Practitioner Document is one of a series of documents produced by The Online Learning Consortium based upon key insights from our workshops. Participants of these workshops discuss and share tips and techniques that work for them, plus experiences and issues based on the topic of each workshop. As a member of OLC, you can benefit from this shared knowledge and learn from your colleagues who are faced with the same challenges for moving into online learning — effectively prepared.


  • Explore several classes of Web 2.0 technologies
  • Understand how to enhance interactions in distance courses with Web 2.0 tools
  • Learn how to use Web 2.0 tools effectively to improve engagement and learning outcomes


  • Facilitator Web 2.0 Proficiencies
  • Instructor Issues
  • Participant Tool Usage
  • Successful Applications
  • Instructor Needs
  • Strategies to Consider with Regard to Forecasting Tool Obsolescence


Bethany Bovard, Adjunct Teacher and Staff at New Mexico State University, teaches and develops distance education programs and courses. Her primary interests and work all relate to professional development of educators interested in learning how to integrate technology into their courses and how to teach online. Bethany’s background in computer technologies began in the late 1970’s when she took her first programming class, and she continues to be an avid user of all types of computer technology. While she is passionate about technology in general, her real interest is in helping teachers and faculty find and select the right technologies to support the learning objectives of their courses. Bethany’s work with OLC as a workshop creator and facilitator allows her to indulge those passions daily.

“I liked hearing from other online educators and it was good to compare notes and ask questions. I especially liked the discussions which gave me new ideas.” July 2008 Workshop Participant

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