Accelerate your faculty development with the OLC Online Certificate Programs

If you are an OLC Institutional member interested in accelerating or augmenting your faculty development programs, give us a call:  617.207.4172 or email

We offer volume discounts and custom training programs at lower than advertised rates.

OLC offers a number of certificate programs to support your professional development.  For ten years, the OLC Institute for Professional Development has offered certificates for Online Teaching.

This year, we’ve introduced a new certificate program for experienced online instructional designers, librarians, and multimedia specialists who work with online faculty and other online learning support professionals. Learn more about our Instructional Designer Certificate Program.


"The workshop will provide you with the tools that you need to revise your course and make it much better than you dreamed it could be."


Dr. Denise Linton, Assistant Professor/Nurse Practitioner Coordinator – University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Advanced Certificate)