Master Online Learning
Master the art of online and design an effective teaching and learning environment within your field of interest.
Master Online Learning
Master the art of online and design an effective teaching and learning environment within your field of interest.
The OLC Mastery Series Program emphasizes theory and application of research on key topics and culminates in a Recognition of Mastery in a topic. Each series consists of three workshops that help you explore relevant research and use that research to help you design an effective teaching and learning environment.
Blended Learning Mastery Series
The Blended Learning Mastery Series is a series of three workshops focusing on the research, teaching, and assessment of blended courses. Throughout each of the workshops, you will explore relevant research and use that research to help you design an effective blended learning environment. Each workshop is one week long and between each workshop there will be a three-week break to give you time to complete some self-guided research and reflect on your learning. Successful completion of the series results in a Recognition of Mastery in Blended Learning.
Mobile Learning Mastery Series
The Mobile Learning Mastery series focuses on the research, teaching and assessment of mobile learning environments. Through a series of workshops, you will explore relevant research to help you design an online course which leverages mobile technology. Through presentations and tutorials, you will begin to master mobile learning designs, tools, teaching and learning methods, and assessment strategies that can improve learning and increase student satisfaction. By engaging in discussions with other online faculty and instructional designers, you will gain insight into the relationship between higher education and mobile learning, and uncover the potential of integrating smartphones and tablets into the learning environment. Successful completion of the series results in a Recognition of Mastery in Mobile Learning.
Online Science Labs Mastery Series
The Online Science Labs Mastery Series provides an extensive overview of the current state of online laboratory science courses and where they are headed in this rapidly changing environment. Through a series of workshops, you will be introduced to best practices in the design and implementation of virtual science labs in the online classroom, by exploring evidence-based research revealing how the integration of online science labs can improve your students’ experience. You will engage in rich discussions with other participants about methods for designing, preparing, and integrating labs, as well as assessment methods for measuring student performance. Based on the knowledge you gain in this workshop, you will transform your online science lab course into a creative, engaging, and highly motivated learning community that will attract new online learners. Successful completion of the series results in a Recognition of Mastery in Online Science Labs.
Social Media for Online Education Mastery Series
The Social Media for Online Education Mastery Series focuses on the use of social media for teaching and learning in online, blended and web-enhanced courses. Through relevant research and discussions with peers, you will explore applicable learning theories, online identity, participatory culture, and legal issues for engaging, instructing, and supporting online learners through social media. By participating in social media learning experiences, you will develop an online teaching persona, activities for the online classroom, and a course or program integration plan. You will actively engage and collaborate through social media to strengthen teaching presence and social media expertise. Successful completion of the series results in a Recognition of Mastery in Social Media for Online Education.
Online Nursing Mastery Series
The Online Learning Mastery Series focuses on the knowledge and skills to use multimedia technologies confidently and effectively in the design and teaching of online nursing courses. Through a series of workshops, you will explore theories for fostering student engagement through the integration of educational technology. You will explore research and best practices relevant to nurse educators, including how to increase social presence through an understanding of social learning theory. You will integrate your knowledge and skills to transform your online nursing course into a creative, engaging, and motivational community for online learners. Successful completion of the series results in a Recognition of Mastery in Online Nursing.
Leadership in Online Learning Mastery Series
The Leadership in Online Learning Mastery Series focuses on organizational structure, policy and common funding models related to distance learning programming at the institutional level. Through a series of workshops, you will explore topics relevant to online administrators, using evidence based research into best practices to help you establish and stabilize strategic, manageable growth of distance learning initiatives within your institution while maintaining a competitive edge. You will analyze various models employed by successful institutions to determine which model is best suited to the needs of your institution. Along with other university administrators, you will share ideas about emerging issues in online education, including standards for credit hours, state authorization requirements, security, and intellectual property. Finally, you will align your institution’s mission, goals, and values with a plan for implementing successful online learning programs, with consideration for budgeting and finance. Successful completion of the series results in a Recognition of Mastery in Leadership in Online Learning.