Volume 7, Issue 1 - February 2003

Considerations For Developing Evaluations of Online Courses

Sue D. Achtemeier, Assistant Director for Institutional Research, University of Georgia
Libby V. Morris, Associate Professor, Institute Of Higher Education, University of Georgia
Catherine L. Finnegan, Associate Director, Assessment and Public Information, Advanced Learning Technologies, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

Exploration of how to assure effective teaching and learning online is extremely important and timely as many institutions seek to maximize the educational benefits from this constantly developing technology. This study categorizes principles gathered from an extensive review of the literature focusing on current best practices for effective teaching and...

Dominant or Different? Gender Issues in Computer Supported Learning

Cathy Gunn, School of Education, University of Auckland
Mae McSporran, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Hamish Macleod, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Sheila French, Manchester Metropolitan University, England

A significant increase in the use of computer supported learning (CSL) within schools and universities across the world gives rise to concern about gender-related differences in performance and interaction style ...

Influence of Non-Moderated and Moderated Discussion Sites on Student Success

Deborah A. Kashy, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University
Guy Albertelli II, College of Natural Science, Michigan State University
W. Bauer, E. Kashy, M. Thoennessen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

One of the most successful applications of networked technology in education has been the development of individualized homework assignments. Such assignments provide immediate feedback to students and discourage copying. However, networked technology also allows students to develop sophisticated schemes designed to beat the system. This paper, supported in part by...

Does One Size Fit All? Exploring Asynchronous Learning in a Multicultural Environment

Ken Morse, PhD, Waikato Management School, New Zealand

Computer-mediated classrooms coupled with heightened emphasis on removing geographic limitations have led to growing dependence on asynchronous learning networks as a delivery medium. An increasingly robust body of ...

Asynchronous Discussion in Support of Medical Education

Martin Oliver, Department of Education and Professional Development, University College London, England
Graham P. Shaw Barry, University School of Natural and Health Sciences and School of Graduate Medical Sciences

Although the potential of asynchronous discussion to support learning is widely recognized, student engagement remains problematic. Often, for example, students simply refuse to participate. Consequently the rich ...

Examining Social Presence in Online Courses in Relation to Students' Percieved Learning and Satisfaction

Jennifer C. Richardson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Educational Technology, Purdue University
Karen Swan, Ph.D., Research Center for Educational Technology, Kent State University

Research has demonstrated that social presence not only affects outcomes but also student, and possibly instructor, satisfaction with a course. Teacher immediacy behaviors and the presence of others are especially important issues for those involved in delivering online education. This study explored the role of social presence in online learning...