How New Technological-driven Models of Education and Evolving State and Federal Regulations Coexist
Scribe Notes:
Can and should regulations drive innovative change in higher education?
Intent versus neglect: Are good faith efforts enough for authorization and compliance?
Getting the word out: Tackling compliance as a way to catalyze institutional change.
The Virtuous Loop of Learning Analytics & Academic Technology Innovation
7 Things You Should Know About Analytics
Analytics in Learning and Education
Society for Learning and Knowledge Analytics
Googledoc with additional Learning Analytics Resources
Take Aways:
Scribe Notes:
How can Learning Analytics be used to assess innovations in instructional design?
Competency Based Education: The Promise and Realities
Competency-Based Education: Technology Challenges and Opportunities
Investing in Quality Competency-Based Education
Take Aways:
Scribe Notes:
Is competency-based education right for your students, department, or institution?
What are the ways that shifts in regulatory requirements support the growth of CBE?
A Regional Response: Culmination of the Day’s Thinking and Invitation to Continue the Collaboration
You Don’t Need a Hurricane to Know Which Way the Wind Blows
Additional Files:
Scorecard – Crossed with Regional Accreditators (October 2014)
Scribe Notes: