Accelerating Research Innovation: Charting Your Future with AI


Kristen Gay, Ph.D., OLC Director of Research

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The rapid rise of generative AI in higher education is transforming the research landscape, reshaping the methods we use, our possibilities for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data, and even our writing practices. But perhaps more importantly, generative AI forces us to critically examine and redefine our roles and identities as researchers. As AI continues to revolutionize higher education at an unprecedented pace, educators across roles face an urgent need to adapt. Many of us are implementing tools that we are still trying to understand and preparing students for a future workforce that we can hardly imagine. This challenge is complicated by the ongoing advancement of generative AI tools. Ethan Mollick argues in Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI, “[W]hatever AI you are using right now is going to be the worst AI you will ever use”  (61). While Mollick acknowledges the discomfort of “grapp[ling] with the awe and excitement of living with increasingly powerful alien co-intelligences,” he also notes that “remaining open to new developments will help you adapt to change, embrace new technologies, and remain competitive in a fast-paced business landscape driven by exponential advances in AI” (62). This rapid pace of change not only challenges us to stay current with emerging technologies but also compels us to continuously reevaluate and refine our research practices to anticipate future opportunities.

As we navigate this rapid change, it’s crucial to take a step back and reflect on how these changes are impacting our professional roles and practices. Our upcoming masterclass offers a much-needed “time out” to do just that, providing a unique opportunity to redefine our relationships with AI and ensure that we remain agile as we anticipate what’s next in generative-AI assisted research. Masterclass attendees will explore how AI is not just a tool but a transformative force that is altering research methodologies, philosophies, and entire disciplines. This session will help researchers navigate these profound changes with a clearer understanding of the ethical and positional implications involved.

One of the key elements of this masterclass is the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions about these implications. As AI continues to advance, researchers are faced with ethical dilemmas that were unimaginable just a few years ago. Questions about biases in AI models, transparency surrounding AI-driven research, and AI’s impact on the validity of results are just a few of the critical questions we will explore. By participating in this masterclass, you’ll have the chance to discuss these challenges with peers and experts, developing a balanced perspective on the integration of AI into your research.

Central to our discussions will be the exploration of your ideal vision for the meaningful integration of AI into your research practice. Together, we will map answers to questions including: How can AI enhance your research? What is your ideal future as a researcher who implements generative AI tools, and what steps can you take to make that vision a reality? We’ll work together to identify potential threats—such as the risk of over-reliance on AI or the erosion of critical thinking—and craft action plans to mitigate these risks. Simultaneously, we’ll explore the opportunities AI presents, like improving research efficiency and unlocking new avenues of inquiry, and consider how we can leverage these possibilities to shape a future where AI serves as a partner in research. We will also highlight actionable strategies for enhancing our research practices, which will equip us to leverage existing tools effectively even as we prepare for future innovations. The masterclass facilitators will guide you through the practical integration of AI tools throughout the research cycle, showing you how to enhance your workflow and improve research outcomes. 

AI is poised to shape the future of research in ways that we are only starting to grasp. And educators are not the only ones affected by this rapid shift, of course. The Digital Education Council’s Global AI Student Survey (2024) found that 1 in 2 students do not feel AI ready, with 80% of students saying that universities were not meeting their expectations surrounding AI (p. 10-11). Students in the study also expected faculty to be prepared for AI integration, with 73% agreeing that universities should be providing training for faculty on effective AI use (p. 13). These findings highlight a critical gap between the rapid advancements in AI and the readiness of both students and faculty to effectively engage with these technologies. As educators and researchers, it is imperative that we not only adapt to these changes but also lead by example, equipping ourselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate AI into our practices. The upcoming masterclass is designed to bridge this gap, offering researchers the tools and strategies needed to navigate this new landscape. By participating, you will be better prepared to support your students’ AI readiness while also redefining your role as a researcher in an AI-driven world. This masterclass is not just about keeping pace with technology; it’s about shaping the future of education and research in a way that empowers both educators and students to thrive in a rapidly evolving environment.

Register now to secure your place and join educators and researchers at all levels as we collectively explore the challenges and opportunities of AI, equipping ourselves to lead AI-enhanced research and chart our course through this transformative era.

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