Creating Magic with PowerPoint Storytelling and Design


Sean Nufer, Senior Director of Teaching and Learning, TCS Education System

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Imagine you’re standing in front of a classroom, ready to share your expertise, but as you click through your slides, you notice the students’ eyes glaze over. It’s not because your content isn’t valuable, but because your slides have fallen into the trap of being just another PowerPoint presentation—static, text-heavy, and frankly just outright dull. We’ve all been there, both as presenters and as audience members. I’ll tell you right now that what doesn’t help is that PowerPoint (and Google Slides, et al…) provide us templates that not only allow but encourage us to dump paragraphs and bullet points of text onto the slides. It’s almost like information dumps are the standard default setting. So how can we best transform these ordinary slides into something truly captivating?

Engagement is key to education, and the power of a well-crafted presentation cannot be overstated. Picture this: instead of merely delivering information, your slides tell a story. They guide your students on a journey, where every piece of data or information is not just shared but woven into a narrative that speaks to them, resonates with their experiences, and stays with them long after the class is over. This is where the art of storytelling in presentations comes into play. We’re able to turn raw information into a story that’s not only understood but also felt.

Now, imagine you’re stepping into the shoes of a Disney or Pixar storyteller. These masters of storytelling don’t just tell tales; they create worlds, where every detail – from the color palette to the pacing of the narrative – works in harmony to captivate audiences of all ages. In your presentation, you can create that same magic. Imagine your slides as scenes in a movie, each one purposefully designed to move the story forward, using the power of visuals to evoke emotion and keep your audience engaged from beginning to end.

For our exploration, storytelling alone isn’t enough. Imagine pairing those compelling narratives with design elements that are visually stunning, drawing in your students’ attention from the first slide to the last. Think of how Disney uses color to set the mood – whether it’s the warm, inviting hues of Beauty and the Beast or the vibrant, dynamic tones of The Incredibles. You can bring that same attention to detail into your presentations, using design elements to create a visual experience that complements your narrative and keeps your students hooked. What we strive for are slides that aren’t cluttered with text but use imagery, color, and layout to emphasize key points and create a flow that’s both logical and engaging. The difference is palpable, as students are not just passive listeners but active participants, their attention captured by the clarity aesthetic appeal of your design.

Now, take it a step further. Envision using advanced PowerPoint techniques to add a dynamic layer to your presentations – features that allow you to interact with your slides in real-time, creating a more engaging and flexible learning experience as you harness tools that make your presentations not just a one-way delivery of material but an interactive experience where students can This transformation – from dull to dazzling – is not just a dream. In fact, it’s the goal of our master class “From Dull to Dazzling: Transform Your Slides through Storytelling and Design” at the OLC Accelerate conference. We understand the challenges educators face when it comes to creating presentations that are both educational and engaging. We’ve all sat through presentations that seemed to stretch on forever, leaving us more fatigued than inspired. But with the right skills in storytelling, design, and advanced techniques, you can change that narrative. You can walk away not just with a set of new skills but with the inspiration to create presentations that leave your students eager for more.

The goal of the master class is truly for us to embark on a journey of transformation as we evolve our presentations in such a way that every slide we create can be a doorway to deeper understanding, greater engagement, and a memorable educational experience for our students. Like a Disney story that leaves an unforgettable mark on its audience, let’s turn our presentations into stories that we’re proud to share with our students!

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