Engaging with the Magic of OLC Accelerate


Adam Davi, University of Arizona Digital Learning, and Dorothy Loftin, Oregon State University, OLC Accelerate 2024 Engagement Chairs

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We can hardly contain our excitement for OLC Accelerate 2024! We are even more excited to share some of the highlights of our Engagement programming. Throughout the conference you will be able to visit the Engagement Hub in Exhibit Hall for some fun, creative, and light-hearted sessions designed to encourage attendees to connect with their peers. Let’s take a quick look at what attendees can expect from the engagement programming at OLC Accelerate.

Engagement Hub

The Engagement Hub, located in the Exhibit hall, is your place to go for networking and fun. In addition to other opportunities we’ll talk about below, engagement sessions are presented by a wide variety of your peers and will focus more on networking, gamification, and creativity than your typical conference session. These sessions may include escape rooms, themed opportunities like Dungeons and Dragons, trivia, and even collaboration through drawing. It is a great way to meet new people in a fun, light-hearted environment.

This is also where you can find the Engagement team members to get your special prize for sharing the secret word. What secret word, you ask? Well, if you read our last blog you will know that we hid a secret word in there for all of you to find and share with us for a special prize.

Welcome Reception

During the Welcome Reception on Tuesday, November 19, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a Disney character scavenger hunt throughout the exhibit hall. Characters will be hidden all over the exhibit hall including at vendor booths. This is a great opportunity to play a game, get familiar with the Exhibit Hall, and visit some vendors in the process. If you can find all the hidden characters, you will win a ticket to play the Claw at the Engagement Lunch on Wednesday.

Engagement Lunch

On Wednesday, be sure to join us in the exhibit hall for lunch as we have lots of fun activities planned. To help celebrate the magic of thirty years of OLC Accelerate, you can partake in some fun magic tricks by a local magician. This will also be your chance to redeem your ticket for a turn at our throwback claw machine. For all our tailgate fans out there, we will have a mini cornhole tournament taking place too! The Exhibit Hall will surely be buzzing with a bevy of exciting options, but don’t forget to also stop by the Engagement Hub for an exciting networking session. 


For those of you who may be looking for a little quiet during the hubbub of the bustling conference, the Sanctuary is your place for mindfulness, meditation, and peace. There will be morning yoga and meditation sessions, as well as offering a quiet place to escape and refocus right in the conference center instead of having to retreat to your room!

First Time Attendees Welcome

Finally, for all the first time attendees out there, there are many ways to connect and engage with conference veterans and meet new people as you navigate OLC. Volunteers will be at the Field Guide station, located just outside the registration desk, on Monday, November 18, to answer any questions you may have about attending the conference. Then, be sure to join us on Tuesday, November 19 at 8:30 am for a First Timers Welcome and Orientation. This is a great time to meet new friends and get an up close look at what to expect at the conference. In addition, you also have an opportunity to get a tour of the conference space to help you map out exactly where you want to be (and where the restrooms are!)

As you can tell, there are lots of engaging activities for you to partake in at OLC Accelerate 2024. We look forward to being your guides as we celebrate the magic of thirty years with us in Orlando!

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