OLC Volunteer Spotlight: A Conversation with Darlene Smucny


Katie Fife Schuster, Director of Programming, Online Learning Consortium
Darlene Smucny, Ph.D., Assistant Director, Quality in Online Instruction, Stearns Center Digital Learning, George Mason University

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Welcome to the OLC’s first “Volunteer Spotlight,” a new series that aims to highlight the valuable contributions of just some of the many OLC volunteers that serve the community. We are so very grateful to each of our volunteers for the time and expertise they share in a variety of capacities. 

The first volunteer that we shine the spotlight on is Dr. Darlene Smucny, Assistant Director for Quality in Online Instruction at the Stearns Center for Teaching & Learning, George Mason University. Darlene is a shining star of dedication and passion in online and digital education. I had the pleasure of interviewing Darlene to learn more about her journey, her involvement with (OLC), and the impact of her volunteer work.

A Journey Rooted in Passion for Education

Darlene’s journey into the world of online education began over two decades ago when she discovered the flexibility and access offered by online courses. With a background in biomedical research, including a Master’s degree in Biology and a PhD in Anthropology, her love of teaching and learning led her to develop numerous online courses at the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). “I truly love teaching and learning in higher education,” she shared. Her expertise in Biological Anthropology and Primatology translated seamlessly into the online format, benefiting many students, especially “non-traditional” adult learners.

At George Mason University, Darlene’s role involves supporting online faculty development and ensuring the quality of online courses. As part of the Stearns Center Digital Learning’s Quality Assurance Team, she regularly reviews online courses, providing valuable feedback to faculty. Her professional interests are diverse, ranging from quality assurance in online teaching to inclusive, equitable, and humanized teaching practices.

Embracing the OLC Community

Darlene’s involvement with the OLC spans many years. “I’ve known about the work and resources of OLC for many years,” she noted. Her deeper engagement with the OLC began about a decade ago, participating in workshops, attending conferences, and exploring the OLC Quality Scorecard series. A colleague at UMGC first encouraged her to sign up to review OLC conference proposals, an invitation that opened the door to her volunteer journey.

For Darlene, the motivation to volunteer was multifaceted. She wanted to give back to the community of online educators, share her expertise, and join a dedicated network of online learning professionals. “I was motivated to serve as a volunteer reviewer for multiple reasons,” she explained, highlighting her desire to contribute to the field of online education and to be part of a community where she could learn from her peers.

Making an Impact through Volunteering

Darlene has served as an OLC conference proposal reviewer for both the Accelerate and Innovate conferences for many years. Her volunteer work has enriched her both personally and professionally. “Volunteering with OLC helps me connect to others in online education,” she shared. The sense of community and the exchange of ideas have been invaluable to her. “I’ve found a welcoming community of online professionals at OLC whose focus is the online learner.”

Volunteering has also enhanced Darlene’s understanding of emerging trends in online, blended, and digital education. She has gained insights into assessing quality and effectively communicating encouraging feedback, skills she can put to good use in her professional role, where she strives to improve online course design and online teaching.

Rewards and Challenges

When asked about the most rewarding aspect of volunteering, Darlene emphasized the sense of connection to the broader online teaching and learning community. “What I appreciate most is feeling connected to the greater online teaching and learning community,” she said. The challenge, she noted, lies in managing her time to complete proposal reviews by the deadline, a task made manageable through excellent training and support from the OLC.

Memorable Moments and Future Goals

One of Darlene’s memorable experiences as a volunteer was meeting colleagues in person after years of online collaboration. “What’s memorable is when you get to meet the people you’ve worked with in-person,” she recounted. Seeing proposals she reviewed come to life in the OLC Conference programs was another highlight.

Looking ahead, Darlene aims to improve her communication skills, particularly in providing constructive and humanized feedback. Volunteering with the OLC has given her valuable practice in this area, aligning with her personal and professional goals.

A Holistic Approach to Online Education

Darlene believes the OLC’s holistic perspective sets it apart from other organizations. “OLC provides a holistic perspective of higher education,” she stated. This approach, which considers the views and needs of students, faculty, designers, administrators, and institutions, resonates with her training as an anthropologist. For Darlene, the focus on people rather than just technology is a significant strength of the OLC.

A Call to Future Volunteers

To anyone considering volunteering with the OLC, Darlene shares this message: “If you would like to learn and share more about online education – and to become part of an awesome community of online educators – please volunteer!” She emphasizes the diverse opportunities available, catering to various interests and time commitments. The experience, she assures, is rewarding and professionally fulfilling. 

Gratitude and Recognition

Reflecting on her journey, Darlene expressed heartfelt gratitude for the opportunities the OLC has provided. “Thanks to OLC, including Katie Fife Schuster, for providing opportunities and resources for volunteering!” she said. Darlene’s experience with the OLC highlights the power of community, dedication, and the continuous pursuit of excellence in online education.

Darlene Smucny’s story is an inspiring example of how volunteering can enrich one’s professional journey while contributing significantly to the broader educational community. Her commitment to quality in online instruction and her passion for teaching continue to make a lasting impact on students and educators alike.

Volunteering with OLC

If you are interested in gaining professional development through volunteering for the OLC, we invite you to apply! We frequently have new opportunities and will reach out when there is a match to your indicated interests.

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