OLC Volunteer Spotlight: A Conversation with Diana Ruggiero


Katie Fife Schuster, Director of Programming, Online Learning Consortium; Diana Ruggiero, Professor, University of Memphis

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Welcome to the OLC’s “Volunteer Spotlight” series, where we celebrate the incredible contributions of just some of our dedicated volunteers. We are deeply grateful for their time, expertise, and commitment to the community. 

A Journey Rooted in Passion for Education

This month, we shine the spotlight on Diana Ruggiero, a professor at the University of Memphis specializing in languages for specific purposes. Originally from Argentina, she has been part of the World Languages and Literatures Department since 2012, where she also co-chairs the engaged scholarship faculty network. Her courses focus on practical language skills in real-world contexts like healthcare and hospitality, with an emphasis on fostering Latinx wellness.

In her dedication to community engagement, Diana developed “Corazón y Mente,” an Open Education Resource promoting mental wellness for Latinx women. As the online coordinator for upper-division Spanish, she works to expand educational access and was awarded the 2023-24 Teach Access Faculty Grant for advancing accessible technology design education. Her approach integrates emotional intelligence and mental health awareness to ensure students are prepared for both professional success and civic engagement.

Embracing the OLC Community

Diana first got involved with OLC during the pandemic. As the pandemic forced us to transition to online teaching, she realized the need to increase her knowledge in this area. Diana felt a strong responsibility to her students and wanted to be able to provide them with the best possible learning experience in an online format, so she turned to OLC to help her on this journey.

The warmth and encouragement that Diana experienced from OLC staff member Maddie Shellgren (OLC Director of Global Outreach) during a virtual conference inspired Diana to begin volunteering with the OLC.  

Since that time, Diana has volunteered in several roles, including as a conference engagement volunteer serving to welcome attendees and create networking activities. As an IELOL Global (2021) program graduate, Diana had the opportunity to be a guest presenter for the IELOL Global program. Most recently, Diana graciously stepped in to serve as a Spanish translator for a meeting about the OLC Quality Scorecard.  

Making an Impact through Volunteering

Volunteering with OLC has been a lifesaver experience for me, both personally and professionally. It made me feel part of a larger community where my voice was heard. I felt valued and connected, and it gave me the opportunity to be an example to others. This experience has enriched my life, providing me with a sense of belonging and purpose.

For Diana, volunteering with OLC has been transformative. It has given her a strong sense of belonging and purpose, while also allowing her to model the values of inclusion and continuous learning. Through her volunteer work, she has developed valuable skills in collaboration and team dynamics, and she emphasizes the importance of ensuring all perspectives and voices are heard and respected. 

Rewards and Challenges

Diana finds the most rewarding aspects of her volunteer work is the sense of community and the positive impact she is able to make. “It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the difference we can make together.” Although balancing her time between volunteering and other commitments can be challenging, the fulfillment she gains from her work with OLC makes it worthwhile.

Memorable Moments and Future Goals

Diana enthusiasm and creativity shine in all her endeavors. For a conference presentation in which one of the goals was to attract students and foster faculty buy-in, she brought in her puppet collection to demonstrate that online engagement can be fun and creative.

Diana’s future goals include continuing to inspire student and colleagues through her work and volunteer engagements. She is passionate about addressing the false sense that achieving an academic degree means knowing everything about a subject matter, and she stresses the importance of keeping the door open to unlearning and learning again. 

“Volunteering has been instrumental in helping me achieve these goals by reinforcing the value of continuous learning and community engagement.” 

An Inclusive and Supportive Community

Diana mentions above that the warm welcome she received in some of her first interactions with the OLC community inspired her to volunteer. She shares,

What sets the OLC apart for me is its welcoming environment and superb organization. Although I haven’t had many experiences with other organizations, I can confidently say that my experience with OLC has been exceptional. From the moment I attended my first workshop, I was hooked! The supportive atmosphere and the quality of their programs, like the online certificate I completed, make OLC truly stand out.

A Call to Future Volunteers

If you are considering volunteering with OLC, Diana can confidently say that it will change your life forever, for the better. “You are about to gain a virtual family, and the experience will be incredibly rewarding both personally and professionally. Don’t hesitate—jump in and be prepared to be welcomed and supported in ways you never imagined.”

Gratitude and Friendships

Diana closes her interview with these words of gratitude:  

I want to extend a profound thank you to the OLC community. I am incredibly grateful for the experience. When you give, you receive in return. The friendships and connections I’ve made through OLC have shaped my life for a better future, impacting my career, my students, my institution, and my mental health. Belonging to a group that values your contributions and needs your skills is truly transformative. Thank you for being such an important part of my journey.

If you are interested in gaining professional development through volunteering for the OLC, we invite you to apply! We frequently have new opportunities and will reach out when there is a match to your indicated interests.

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