Volume 18, Issue 2 - July 2014


Peter Shea, PhD
Editor: Online Learning
Associate Provost for Online Education & Associate Professor, Educational Theory and Practice and CCI University at Albany, State University of New York

On behalf of the Online Learning Consortium and our Editorial Board I invite you to read and enjoy the final issue of the journal under the name Journal of Asynchronous Networks (JALN). As you have probably noticed, Sloan-C , our sponsoring organization, very recently underwent a name change to become the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). With this organizational transition we also decided to take the opportunity to re-envision the identity of the flagship publication of OLC. Much has changed since the founding of Sloan-C and JALN but our focus on advancing the scholarship, theory, and practice of online learning remains. For those reasons and with the support of our Editorial Board and the board of OLC we are pleased to announce our new name: “Online Learning.” Stay tuned for additional updates and news with the release of our next issue.

Peer Grading in a MOOC: Reliability, Validity, and Perceived Effects

Heng Luo, John A. Dutton E-Education Institute, Pennsylvania State University
Anthony C. Robinson, Pennsylvania State University
Jae-Young Park, Pennsylvania State University

Peer grading offers a scalable and sustainable way of providing assessment and feedback to a massive student population. However, currently there is little empirical evidence to support the credentials of peer grading as a learning assessment method in the MOOC context. To address this research need, this study examined 1,825...

Good Quality Discussion is Necessary But Not Sufficient in Asynchronous Tuition: a Brief Narrative Review of the Literature

William James Fear, Department of Organizational Psychology, Birkbeck College University of London
Andrew Erikson-Brown, Department of Organizational Psychology, Birkbeck College University of London

The growth of online learning within education has corresponded to an increase in use of asynchronous discussion. Asynchronous discussion is a form of interaction that is mediated rather than directed, and is characterized by a time lag in the interactions between discussants. In this paper we conducted a brief narrative...

The Effect of Structured Divergent Prompts on Knowledge Construction

Ginger S. Howell, Harding University
Usenime Akapnudo, Harding University
Mengyi Chen, Harding University
Autumn L. Sutherlin, Abilene Christian University
Laura E. James, Abilene Christian University

Discussion forums are a widely used activity in online courses. However, knowledge construction within online discussion rarely stimulates high levels of thinking. Therefore, it is important to understand which aspects of online discussion encourage learning and increase knowledge construction. This paper investigates the effect three Structured Divergent prompts (playground prompts,...

An Exploration of Metacognition in Asynchronous Student-Led Discussions: A Qualitative Inquiry

Martha M. Snyder, Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University
Laurie P. Dringus, Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University

Research is limited on how metacognition is facilitated and manifested in socially situated online learning environments such as online discussion forums. We approached metacognition as the phenomenon of interest with a methodological objective to evaluate the relevance of a metacognition construct. We also had a content objective to study student-led...

Differences in Classroom Versus Online Exam Performance Due to Asynchronous Discussion

Robert L. Jorczak, University of Minnesota
Danielle N. Dupuis, University of Minnesota

This study compares student exam performance of undergraduate students in classroom and online course sections with nearly identical instructional designs. The sections differed only in lecturing and peer discussion activities, which are typical differences of classroom and online instruction. Classroom discussion activities included synchronous speech, while online discussions used asynchronous...

The SAMR Model as a Framework for Evaluating mLearning

Danae Romrell, Idaho State University
Lisa C. Kidder, Idaho State University
Emma Wood, Idaho State University

As mobile devices become more prominent in the lives of students, the use of mobile devices has the potential to transform learning. Mobile learning, or mLearning, is defined as learning that is personalized, situated, and connected through the use of a mobile device. As mLearning activities are developed, there is...

Teaching Presence: Co-Creating a Multi-National Online Learning Community in an Asynchronous Classroom

Leanne M. Dzubinski, Ph.D, Cook School of Intercultural Studies, Biola University

The pace of globalization coupled with the growing institutional pursuit of online education means online classes are increasingly composed of a multi-national, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural student body. Teaching presence, which is the ability to structure the class, create the social environment, give instruction, and assess student work, is the basis...