Measure the quality of blended learning programs, combining the best characteristics of online and traditional learning formats.

The OLC Quality Scorecard for Blended Learning Programs provides benchmarks and quality standards to help you evaluate your blended and hybrid learning programs. By using the scorecard, faculty, administrators and instructional designers can determine the strengths and weaknesses of those programs.  

By using the scorecard, institutions can identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement within their own programs and create a strategy for meeting benchmarks. 

This quality scorecard was developed through a collaborative effort with experienced educators recognized for their background in this modality. They identified quality metrics for each of the 70 indicators in key categories, including: Institutional Support, Technology Support, Course Development and Instructional Design. Course Structure, Teaching and Learning, Faculty Support, Student Support, and Evaluation and Assessment

The Scorecard rubric and handbook is available for free for OLC Institutional Members. Access the Blended Learning Handbook.

The Interactive Version launched in November 2016 and is available exclusively for our Institutional members.  It serves as an online, collaborative dashboard and repository to assess, enhance and measure the effectiveness of your programs online.  

With this online tool, you can:

  • Organize quality efforts by category with justification and supporting artifacts (evidence)
  • Store information related to quality efforts in one location
  • Download report with all information that can be used for accreditation or other reporting purposes
  • Prepare for third-party independent review validating quality of institutional or programmatic online offerings

OLC Institutional members get exclusive access to the Interactive Version.

The Interactive version of the Quality Scorecard is an exclusive OLC Institutional Membership benefit. Become a member today!

Institutions pursing a third-party, independent review through the OLC Quality Score Review Audit may be eligible to display an OLC Exemplary Program logo on their website. Learn more.



"The Quality Scorecard is grounded in research, best practices, and expert opinion, so I know the University is well-served by implementing the self-assessment process and demonstrating our continuous improvement processes and outcomes to accreditors."


Debbie Thorne, Associate VP for Academic Affairs and Professor of Marketing – Texas State University